23: OEI Survey

Submit this homework using Gradescope. You can type up your answers, or write legibly and scan them. Do not attempt to submit a paper copy in class, as it will not be accepted.

As you may have noticed, there was no required textbook for this course; instead you had “open” access to written lecture notes and problems electronically during the course of the semester. These lecture notes and problems are the draft of a textbook I’m working on for this course material, funded by a small grant from the UMass Open Education Initiative (OEI). I know the lecture notes aren’t perfect, but it’s my hope you’ve found them useful, especially given their price.

There are a variety of reasons I chose to do things this way (textbooks are too expense, and none cover exactly what this course is supposed to cover; one-use textbooks are even more annoyingly expensive; rented textbooks and/or licensed, limited-time access textbooks suck when you want to refer back to them; most textbooks are painful to read; and so on).

In any event, the OEI grant requires that I ask you to do a survey on the materials. It also includes a few general questions about your experience with textbooks in general here at UMass. It has about 25 short (multiple-choice) questions, and you can probably blast through it in less time than a typical assignment from this course.

Please do so here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XXNDX68

…and then submit a short note in Gradescope indicating you’ve done so.