Homework 22: Tests

Submit this homework using Gradescope. You can type up your answers, or write legibly and scan them. Do not attempt to submit a paper copy in class, as it will not be accepted.

Write JUnit-style test methods for each of the following (one method per test, please) (1 point each):

  • length() is correct for empty strings
  • length() is correct for non-empty strings
  • toUpperCase() works correctly
  • indexOf(String str) works correctly when str is not found
  • indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) works correctly when str is located both before and after fromIndex (that is, set fromIndex such that the index of the second occurrence of str is what you expect to be found)

Use "yellow submarine yellow" as the non-empty String object in each relevant test, and "yellow" as the substring (str) to search for with indexOf.