COMPSCI 603 Robotics, Spring 2017

Course Description

This course is intended to serve as an advanced overview of robotics spanning the complete autonomy loop: robot hardware, perception, planning, and control. We will study algorithms and data structures related to these topics, covering widely adopted, and state of the art techniques. Students will gain hands-on experience in implementing, and extending such algorithms using real robot data, as well as simulations.

Lectures: Tuesdays, Thursdays, 1:00-2:15, LGRC A310
Instructor: Joydeep Biswas, joydeepb+603 [at] cs [dot] umass [dot] edu
Office Hours: Friday mornings, with appointment only
Assignments, Lecture Slides: Moodle (COMPSCI 603 S'17)
Class Discussions: Piazza (COMPSCI 603 S'17)



Final grades will be based on
  • 40%: 5 Assignments
  • 20%: Midterm exam
  • 20%: Final exam
  • 20%: Course Project

Late policy:
All assignments are due at the start of the class on the day that they are due. You may use a total of three late days in any combination over all the assignments without penalty. Late assignments will be determined by their submission time on Moodle. After the late days are used up, the value of the assignment is halved for every additional day taken. You must submit all assignments to earn a passing grade in the class.

Academic honesty and collaboration policy:
All assignments submitted by you, including your writeup and code, must be your own, coded by you, formulated by you, and explained by you. You may discuss the general topics of the course with anyone, and the assignment problems, however the solution you turn in must be based entirely on your understanding of the problem. As a rule of thumb to distinguish discussion from plagiarism, feel free to discuss problems verbally or via temporary written means (e.g. whiteboard), but do not share any written matter or code. On each assignment you must list all collaborators and people you have discussed the assignment with, and creadit all sources.

We follow the university's Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures.