From: Jad "/dev/null" Davis 
Subject: Behold, unto you coffee is brought (NOW).
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 10:12:41 -0500 (EST)

In the beginning of the week was Monday morning.  And it was not good.  
And there was much suffering in the land.  And the people cried out.  
And there was much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

And Kelly said, "let there be coffee."  And there was coffee.  And it
came in several flavors and was freshly made.  And the coffee was good.
And Kelly said, "This is good."

And Ash said, "let the bounty of Duncan donuts be brought forth, and let
there be variety that the people not eat glazed or sprinkles lest they
want to."  And the donuts were brought forth, and they were frosted and
unfrosted, chocolate and strawberry, Boston cream and lacking cream.  And
the donuts were good and Ash said, "@#$*in' A, these donuts are good!"

And John said, "lest the people grow heavy with donuts, let there be bagels
as well.  And that the bagels should not be alone, let there be cream cheeses
of many varieties and flavors, and let some of them please many and disgust
few and others please few and disgust many that all tastes be met."  And
there were bagels of many kinds and cheeses both normal and bizarre, and
the bagels were good.  And John said, "These bagels are good."

And the word went forth to the land, that Monday morning coffee was at
10am in the multi-purpose room.  And the people did put down their burdens and
come.  And they did come forth in two's and three's.  
And having made the small and reasonable monetary sacrifice, they
did take up the bagels, and donuts, and coffee.  And they did hob-nob.  And
they did complain about classes, and meetings.  And they did tell tales of
their weekend.  And many were filled by the bagels and donuts.  And all
were made happy.  And there was much rejoicing.
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