Date: Fri, 18 Sep 1998 19:36:43 -0400 To: From: Steve CookSubject: Power Reduction Notice We have been informed that for the next ten days, WMECO has temporarily reduced the power available to campus, and have been asked to curtail all nonessential power use especially between the peak hours of 9:30 and 4:30. Loss of service altogether may occur if usage is not "voluntarily" reduced. In any case, temporary periods of 5% voltage reductions will occur without warning during peak demand period over the next ten days. Please shut off all nonessential electrical items such as (and I quote) "computers and electrical equipment, elevators and escalators, generators and motors, refrigeration units, air conditioners, stoves and microwave ovens, electric lighting, televisions and stereo equipment, and any other nonessential items". Turn off or closely monitor all equipment that is sensitive to power reduction, loss or surge. For updates, check the UMass Emergency Closing web page at: However to check the web page, I guess your computer has to be on. :-) Steve P.S. Don't worry, I'm not asking you to shutdown your computer.