Subject: A Virtuous Week Starts with Coffee Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 09:30:02 -0400 (EDT) Greetings. From we obtain an insightful, but somewhat depressing, reflection on humanity... Hypertext Thesaurus Interface -- Search results for human Mankind Animality [Maleficent being] Evil doer -- N. evil doer, evil worker; Front Sexuality [human] -- N. sex, sexuality, gender; male, [Sense of sound.] Hearing Question] -- N. inquiry; request Error Prediction Disease Government Pain Ornament Benevolence Bad Man Idolatry [The gender bias suggests that the source for the thesaurus is rather old...] Whatever happened to the only animal that can smile? If this morning, after a glorious long weekend which was too short, you find it difficult to smile, come on down to the lounge for some excellent coffee (the cup that cheers!), accompanied by tasty bagels and, for those of you in the deep doldrums, our sugar-sugar-loaded doughnuts. As usual, we start at 10ish in the lounge ... (This week, retired Coffee Czar John Ridgway leads us as our Temporary Tsar.)