From: (Message Meister) Date: Mon, 6 Nov 1995 09:55:00 -0500 (EST) Greetings. Two grades of coffee, plus a decaf version, are brewing in the lounge. Bagels and donuts of types too numerous to list here complete the Monday lineup. The Message Meister's day trip to New Jersey last Monday was not, as it has been rumored, connected with alleged employment with an express mail company. Rather, it was a last-minute effort to finish research on a matter dear to us all, namely, bagel quality. A report on that is forthcoming. In the meantime, Sandy Wise brings us a related report -- ---------- Dear Bagel Baron: We have completed the review of your bagel entitled "A Poppy-Seed Bagel with Jalapeno Cream Cheese" (#0351) co-authored with M. Meister, and C. Czar. It is the decision of the Journal of Bagel Eating Computer Scientists (JBECS) that we cannot accept your bagel for consumption without some revisions. I have included anonymous, verbatim review comments to guide your revisions. When we receive your revised bagel, it will be re-reviewed by the same reviewers. We look forward to receiving your revision, and thank you for your interest in JBECS. =======================REVIEWS======================================== Reviewer #1 Overall, a nice bagel, served at an important time of day. The interplay between the spicy flavor of the peppers (rated at several hundred Scofield units) and the sweetness of the cream cheese nicely accents the texture of a boiled and then baked bread ring. The strength of this bagel is the consumption of chewy bread-like toroids in the period between arrival at the worksite and mid-day repast on the often difficult first day of the work week (Monday). The weakness lies in the overall mouthfeel. A sucessful bagel links the chewy texture of the bagel's inner structure, with a substantial crust which is while not too hard, is still harder than the inner structure, and provides a certain degree of "crunch" to divide the initial impact of the dentia from the follow through. A successful revision of this bagel would require more of the latter. While the basic chewy structure seemed acceptable, this "break point" was missing. ------------------------