[Dylan played that year...]

Well, as usual I couldn't think of anything funny for the message.
So I asked Bob Dylan for an amusing anecdote.  Here it is.

Will, wuntime onduroad wewuz gimmin sittu dua gig win Hahvi
(my roh minijeh atdutye) founout wewuz spose to be inanuduh place
alzo atdusaye tie!  Will, whawe en'ed up dewinwuztuh sen out Hahvi
tudeuddahplace wearinmye hat an wunumye gi-tars.  Locuh revews in
the uddahplace (Rochesserorsumthin, I fergiye) sayd, "Dylan wuzinrair
form."  Theydin'no jes howrair!  Heh.