Top 10 excuses for failing the comps ------------------------------------ 10. sun was in my eyes 9. took too long writing student id number on those booklets 8. forgot to study 7. 3 triple negative biorhythm days! 6. pencil broke 5. amphetamine prescription ran out January 28th 4. spent each test in trancelike rapture of its subject 3. had to use winter break to catch up on newsgroups 2. didn't sacrifice to theory gods And the #1 excuse for failing the comps: 1. wore the wrong pants RALLIES WORK! The day after an inspiring rally to get the clocks in the LGRC set to the politically correct time, THE CLOCKS IN THE LGRC WERE ACTUALLY SET TO THE CORRECT TIME. What inspired the change? Was it the throng of 15,000 students? Was it Chomsky's inspiring "Ich bin ein ZooMasser!"? Was it Super Dave's genuine Saskatchewan salmon skin? (Don't worry about Dave, his skull will be fine in about 6 months.) This week: Rally to rename the Lederle Graduate Research Center "Hurwitz Hall".