[Ed Note: Not a MMC Message, but a real classic!] From: Jay Corbett 14-Feb-1990 1032Subject: Elections * -|- _\|/_ \ 0-0 \ U \/^^^\ <----- The Statue of Liberty | XX\ ******--------- | XX/ The flag ----> ******========= | \/| ******--------- | | =============== / \ --------------- (a deep, patriotic voice) This country was founded on liberty (thoughtful pause), the right of the people to choose their leaders: _ | | _|_|_ (o o) <---- Abraham Lincoln \U/ V Yet fewer than half of us choose to exercise our right to vote (said with disgust). And fewer than a third of COINS grad students normally vote in their elections. If we don't exercise our rights (in a vaguely threatening tone), someday, we might not have them. WHAT: Graduate student elections (followed by the traditional party with beer and munchies and soda and beer). WHEN: This Friday, February 16, at 4 o'clock. WHERE: LGRC 308 ELECTING: 2 grad reps 1 grad student senator 1 coffee czar Candidates need not belong to any political party or possess a sense of humor (it comes with the job). Candidates for grad rep should have positions on issues such as beer, comprehensive exams, TA/RA funding, and beer. All negative campaign ads should be sent to GRADSTUDS_DIS. Still not sure? Listen to this written message sent by Dan and Marilyn Quayle: "As the relase of Nelson Mandela from a Chinese prison shows, Glasnost is working. Let your vote for grad rep be a beackon of hope for democracy." The grad reps, Jamie CALLAN, Jay CORBETT, and DANN Neiman