COMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation

Ghazaleh Parvini

Summer 2021

Academic Honesty and Collaboration Policy

As members of the College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst we expect everyone to behave responsibly and honorably. In particular, we expect each of you not to give, receive, or use aid in examinations, nor to give, receive, or use unpermitted aid in any academic work. Doing your part in observing this code, and ensuring that others do likewise is essential for having a community of respect, integrity, fairness, and trust.
If you cheat in a course, you are taking away from your own opportunity to learn and develop as a professional. You also hurt your colleagues, and this will hurt people you will work with in the future, who expect an honest and responsible professional.
As faculty, we pledge to use academic policies designed for fairness, avoiding situations that are conducive to violating academic honesty, as well as unreasonable or unusual procedures that assume dishonesty. We will follow the university's Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures. This means we will report instances of dishonesty, which may lead to formal sanction and/or failing the course.

All work submitted must be your own in presentation. How much outside help is allowed depends on the course component.

Last modified: Monday May 17 14:34:31 EST 2021