DNS Update Performance and Consistency Measurement Study

This page has all the materials that we used in the work Measuring Update Performance and Consistency Anomalies in Managed DNS Services including the trace we collected for the measurement of lookup, update, consistency.

Some supplementary experiments that we didn't mention in the submission are also included.

We attach our interview questions at the end.

1. Traces

Lookup Trace

For each service provider, we measure 500 lookup latencies from across 40 PlanetLab nodes (over 20,000 data points for each service provider). We ensure that lookups are served from the name servers maintained by its provider by requesting the name servers through their external IP anycast addresses directly. We apply a 1 second trim filter to rule out the long tail latency. We show the lookup latency in the Figure below. Here is the link to download the trace for lookup latency.

CDF of lookup latency

Our result is consistent with the result by DNSPerf.

Update Trace

Here is the link to download the trace for update propagation latency among authoritative name servers..

RIPE Trace

We use 1,000 RIPE probes and only 961 are responsive. The queries from 8 probes are always timed out. Totally, we get result from 953 probes.

Here is the link to download the trace collected with 1000 RIPE probes...

Consistency Trace

March and April: the link to download the trace of March and April, 2018..

May: the link to download the trace of May, 2018.

June: the link to download the trace of June, 2018

July: the link to download the trace of July, 2018

August: the link to download the trace of August, 2018

September: the link to download the trace of September, 2018

October: the link to download the trace of October, 2018

November: the link to download the trace of November, 2018

2. Interview

Interview Questions

ID Question
Q1 What is the major difference between your DNS service and the others?
Q2 Do you use anycast network to improve your performance? How many anycast network locations do you have?
Q3 What is your expected lookup latency?
Q4 Can I set my TTL to 0 by using your DNS service?
Q5 What is your expected update latency?
Q6 Do you support DNSSEC? Is it easy to set it up on your service?
Q7 What security mechanism(s) do you use to prevent DDoS attack?
Q8 Do you support an API to update DNS records managed by your service?
Q9 What load balance schemes do you have?

Answer Summary

The answers are summarized based on the answer we got from the interview with the representative of the companies as well as their online document.

An interesting pricing comparison among top managed DNS providers done by DNSMadeEasy can be found here: https://dnsmadeeasy.com/pricing/pricecomparison/

A service comparison among top managed DNS providers done by DNSMadeEasy can be found here: https://dnsmadeeasy.com/pricing/providercomparison/

Question UltraDNS Verisign NS1 Akamai Cloudflare
100% uptime
DNS shield
DDoS attack protection
100% uptime
DDoS protection
Optimize performance
Traffic management
Anycast network
Cloud-based architecture
Traffic filter
Cloud-based DNS
Improved performance
High availability
DDoS protection
The fastest DNS provider
DDoS protection
Easy management
Q2 30 17 25 ~100 151
Q4 Yes Yes Yes Not sure No
Q5 a few seconds a few seconds a few seconds a few seconds 5 seconds[1]
Q6 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kona Site Defender
210,000 servers over 120 countries
Web Application Firewall[4]
Multilayer protection[5]
Yes, with a business package
Yes, with a business contract
Yes, with a business contract
Traffic controller[6]:
Traffic management[7]:
Lua script
Global Load Balancing[8]:
Chain Filter
More options
Global Traffic Management[9]
Cloudflare Load Balancing[10]:
  1. Cloudflare Fast, Powerful, and Secure DNS https://www.cloudflare.com/dns/
  2. DDoS Attack Protection Solutions: https://www.security.neustar/ddos-protection
  3. Verisign DDoS Protection: https://www.verisign.com/en_US/security-services/ddos-protection/index.xhtml
  4. Akamai DDoS Protection: https://www.akamai.com/us/en/resources/ddos-protection.jsp
  5. Cloudflare DDoS Protection: https://www.cloudflare.com/ddos/
  6. Verisign Traffic Management: https://www.verisign.com/en_US/security-services/dns-management/managed-dns/index.xhtml
  7. UltraDNS Traffic Controller: https://www.security.neustar/resources/product-literature/ultra-dns-traffic-controller
  8. NS1 GLobal Load Balancing: https://ns1.com/solutions/business-solutions/global-load-balancing
  9. Akamai Global Traffic Management: https://www.akamai.com/us/en/products/web-performance/global-traffic-management.jsp
  10. Cloudflare Load Balancing: https://www.cloudflare.com/load-balancing/