Final Program 9:00 am - Welcome and Introduction
Emery Berger and Brad Chen
9:30 am - Programming Methodology
Session Chair: Emery Berger, University of Massachusetts Amherst
General and efficient locking without blocking
Yannis Smaragdakis, Anthony Kay, Reimer Behrends and Michal Young
Concurrency Control with Data Coloring
Luis Ceze, Christoph von Praun, Calin Cascaval, Pablo Montesinos and Josep Torrellas
10:30 am - Break
10:45 am - Memory Systems for Parallel Hardware
Session Chair: Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
The Potential for Variable-Granularity Access Tracking for Optimistic Parallelism
Mihai Burcea, J. Gregory Steffan and Cristiana Amza
Reasoning about the ARM weakly consistent memory model
Nathan Chong and Samin Ishtiaq
Cliff Click
12:15 pm - Lunch
1:15 pm - Wild and Crazy Ideas Session
2:15 pm - Software Analysis
Session Chair: Cliff Click, Azul Systems
What can performance counters do for memory subsystem analysis?
Stephane Eranian
The Case for Simple, Visible Cache Coherency
Robert Kunz and Mark Horowitz
GC Assertions: Using the Garbage Collector to Check Heap Properties
Edward Aftandilian and Samuel Guyer
3:45 pm - Break
4:00 pm - Panel: The Next Solution
Session Chair: Bruce Jacob, University of Maryland
People have been complaining about the memory system for at least two decades.
As a result, industry and academia have explored numerous solutions, in both
software and hardware, at the technology level, the channel level, and the system
level. The applications folks have expected big rewards from each solution, only to
be disappointed at just about every turn. One of the most recent examples is
multicore (one of many "indirect" solutions, marketed as not solving but tolerating
the memory system), which exacerbated the memory-bandwidth problem instead
of reducing it.
Today, people still complain about the memory system: if anything, the problem is
commonly represented as getting worse. So what is the next solution?
panel participants
- Rick Hetherington, Sun
- Hillery Hunter, IBM Watson
- Jim Larus, Microsoft
- Sean Lee, GA Tech
- Moin Qureshi, IBM
- Dave Resnick, Micron
- Scott Rixner, Rice
- Tim Sherwood, UCSB
- Pete Vogt, Intel