Dhruv Agarwal
Ph.D. student, Computer Science, 2022-

Bio: I am a second-year Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Andrew McCallum at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. My broad research interest is in machine learning for natural language processing and its application to tasks that require multi-step reasoning. My current focus is on developing NLP methods to accelerate scientific discovery.

Lab: Information Extraction and Synthesis Laboratory (IESL)

Personal Links: Scholar | GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn

Email: [first_initial][last_name]@cs.umass.edu
Machine Learning and Friends Lunch (MLFL)
I co-organize the MLFL seminar series at the CS department in UMass Amherst. We're always on the lookout for exciting speakers (especially early-career), so please feel free to reach out if you would like to present your work or have a speaker recommendation!