Probabilistic modeling
Bayesian modeling
- Explanation: use model to explain observed data; In particular, to learn latent random variables to explain data
- Exploration: examine possible value of unknown random variables; draw samples
- Prediction
Choose model structure
Define data generating process
Specify the follows:
- random variables: observed random variables and unobserved random variables
- probability distribution
- independence
- any other relevant assumptions; hyper-parameters
Form posterior to explain the data
- learning: point estimation
- inference: represent uncertainty using distributions
NOTE: Bayesian maintains uncertainty at all time. MAP estimation is not Bayesian.
- : all unknown random variables of the model
- : observed data
- : modeling assumption
- : new data
Bayes rule
: posterior distribution over given and
: likelihood of . WRONG wording: likelihood of data
: prior distribution over
: evidence of data
where is multi-variate integral (over all unknown random variables)
for , we have
- Draw samples from posterior: typical values of a distribution
- Common statistics: mean, mode
Mean is more representative than mode for the entire distribution
Prediction with learned parameters:
Inference approach: derive predictive distribution
- step 1: compute posterior
- step 2: compute integral (may be intractible)