Speculative Analysis of Integrated Development Environment Recommendations
by Kıvanç Muşlu, Yuriy Brun, Reid Holmes, Michael D. Ernst, David Notkin

Modern integrated development environments recommend and automate common tasks, such as refactorings, auto-completions, and error corrections. However, these tools present little or no information about the consequences of the recommended changes. For example, a rename refactoring may: (1) modify the source code without changing program semantics, (2) modify the source code and (incorrectly) change program semantics, (3) modify the source code and (incorrectly) create compilation errors, (4) show a name collision warning and require developer input, or (5) show an error and not change the source code. Having to compute the consequences of a recommendation --- either mentally or by making source code changes --- puts an extra burden on the developers.

This paper aims to reduce this burden with a technique that informs developers of the consequences of code transformations. Taking Eclipse Quick Fix as an example, we build a plug-in, Quick Fix Scout, that computes the consequences of Quick Fix recommendations. Our experiments with 20 users demonstrate that developers complete compilation-error removal tasks 10% faster when using Quick Fix Scout than Eclipse's Quick Fix.

Kıvanç Muşlu, Yuriy Brun, Reid Holmes, Michael D. Ernst, and David Notkin, Speculative Analysis of Integrated Development Environment Recommendations, in Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2012, pp. 669–682.
  author = {K{\i}van{\c{c}} Mu{\c{s}}lu and Yuriy Brun and Reid Holmes and
  Michael D. Ernst and David Notkin},
  title =
  Analysis of Integrated Development Environment Recommendations}},
  year = {2012},
  address = {Tucson, AZ, USA},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
  Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
  venue = {OOPSLA},
  month = {October},
  date = {23--25},
  pages = {669--682},
  note = {\href{https://doi.org/10.1145/2384616.2384665}{DOI:
  doi = {10.1145/2384616.2384665},
  accept = {$\frac{57}{228} = 25\%$},
  abstract = {<p>Modern integrated development environments recommend and
  automate common tasks, such as refactorings, auto-completions, and error
  corrections. However, these tools present little or no information about the
  consequences of the recommended changes. For example, a rename refactoring
  may: (1) modify the source code without changing program semantics, (2)
  modify the source code and (incorrectly) change program semantics, (3)
  modify the source code and (incorrectly) create compilation errors, (4) show
  a name collision warning and require developer input, or (5) show an error
  and not change the source code. Having to compute the consequences of a
  recommendation --- either mentally or by making source code changes --- puts
  an extra burden on the developers.</p>
  <p>This paper aims to reduce this burden with a technique that informs
  developers of the consequences of code transformations. Taking Eclipse Quick
  Fix as an example, we build a plug-in, Quick Fix Scout, that computes the
  consequences of Quick Fix recommendations. Our experiments with 20 users
  demonstrate that developers complete compilation-error removal tasks 10%
  faster when using Quick Fix Scout than Eclipse's Quick Fix.</p>},

  fundedBy = {NSF CNS-0937060 to the CRA for the CIFellows Project, NSF CCF-0963757,
  Microsoft Research via a SEIF award},