Collaborative design exposes software architects to the risk of making conflicting modeling changes that either cannot be merged, or, when merged, violate consistency rules, non-functional requirements, or other system constraints. Such design conflicts are common and incur a high cost, including having to redo and abandon work. Proactive design conflict detection can alleviate this risk. We motivate the need for design conflict detection, describe the benefits of such detection to practitioners, and identify requirements for building detection tools. Finally, we present FLAME, our collaborative-design framework that efficiently and continuously detects design conflicts.
@article{Bang18, title = {\href{}{Collaborative Design Conflicts: {Costs} and Solutions}}, author = {Jae young Bang and Yuriy Brun and Nenad Medvidovic}, journal = {IEEE Software}, venue = {IEEE Software}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1109/MS.2018.290110057}, note = {\href{}{DOI: 10.1109/MS.2018.290110057}}, issn = {0740-7459}, month = {November/December}, pages = {25--31}, volume = {35}, number = {6}, accept = {$\frac{4}{24} \approx 17\%$}, abstract = {<p>Collaborative design exposes software architects to the risk of making conflicting modeling changes that either cannot be merged, or, when merged, violate consistency rules, non-functional requirements, or other system constraints. Such design conflicts are common and incur a high cost, including having to redo and abandon work. Proactive design conflict detection can alleviate this risk. We motivate the need for design conflict detection, describe the benefits of such detection to practitioners, and identify requirements for building detection tools. Finally, we present FLAME, our collaborative-design framework that efficiently and continuously detects design conflicts.</p>}, fundedBy = {NSF CCF-1453474, NSF CNS-1513055, NSF CCF-1564162, NSF CCF-1618231, NSF CCF-1629977, NSF CCF-1717963}, }