from __future__ import division def dict_argmax(dct): """Return the key whose value is largest. In other words: argmax_k dct[k]. Behavior undefined if ties (python docs might give clues)""" return max(dct.iterkeys(), key=lambda k: dct[k]) def goodness_score(seq, A_factor, B_factors): # the total "goodness" score of the proposed sequence N = len(B_factors) score = 0 score += sum(A_factor[seq[t],seq[t+1]] for t in range(N-1)) score += sum(B_factors[t][seq[t]] for t in range(N)) return score def exhaustive(A_factor, B_factors, output_vocab): # the exhaustive decoding algorithm. N = len(B_factors) # length of entire sentence def allpaths(sofar): # Recursively generate all sequences given a prefix "sofar". # this probably could be redone cleverly as a python generator retpaths = [] if len(sofar)==N: return [sofar] for sym in output_vocab: newpath = sofar[:] + [sym] retpaths += allpaths(newpath) return retpaths path_scores = {} for path in allpaths([]): path = tuple(path) # tuple version can be used as dict key score = goodness_score(path, A_factor, B_factors) path_scores[path] = score bestseq = dict_argmax(path_scores) return list(bestseq) # might as well convert it to a list, why not def viterbi(A_factor, B_factors, output_vocab): """ A_factor: a dict of key:value pairs of the form {(curtag,nexttag): score} with keys for all K^2 possible neighboring combinations, and scores are numbers. We assume they should be used ADDITIVELY, i.e. in log space. higher scores mean MORE PREFERRED by the model. B_factors: a list where each entry is a dict {tag:score}, so like [ {Noun:-1.2, Adj:-3.4}, {Noun:-0.2, Adj:-7.1}, .... ] each entry in the list corresponds to each position in the input. output_vocab: a set of strings, which is the vocabulary of possible output symbols. RETURNS: the tag sequence yvec with the highest goodness score """ N = len(B_factors) # length of input sentence # viterbi log-prob tables V = [{tag:None for tag in output_vocab} for t in range(N)] # backpointer tables # back[0] could be left empty. it will never be used. back = [{tag:None for tag in output_vocab} for t in range(N)] # todo implement the main viterbi loop here # you may want to handle the t=0 case separately # todo implement backtrace also # dummy return value return [None for t in range(N)] def randomized_test(N=3, V=5): # This creates a random model and checks if the exhaustive and viterbi # decoders agree. import random A = { (a,b): random.random() for a in range(V) for b in range(V) } Bs = [ [random.random() for k in range(V)] for i in range(N)] print "output_vocab=", range(V) print "A=",A print "Bs=",Bs fromex = exhaustive(A,Bs, range(V)) fromvit = viterbi(A,Bs,range(V)) assert fromex==fromvit print "Worked!" if __name__=='__main__': A = {(0,0):3, (0,1):0, (1,0):0, (1,1):3} Bs= [ [0,1], [0,1], [30,0] ] # that's equivalent to: [ {0:0,1:1}, {0:0,1:1}, {0:30,1:0} ] y = exhaustive(A, Bs, set([0,1])) print "Exhaustive decoding:", y print "score:", goodness_score(y, A, Bs) y = viterbi(A, Bs, set([0,1])) print "Viterbi decoding:", y