from __future__ import division import math import os from collections import defaultdict # Global class labels. POS_LABEL = 'pos' NEG_LABEL = 'neg' # Path to dataset PATH_TO_DATA = # FILL IN THE ABSOLUTE PATH TO THE DATASET HERE # e.g. "/users/brendano/inlp/hw1/large_movie_review_dataset" # or r"c:\path\to\large_movie_review_dataset", etc. TRAIN_DIR = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DATA, "train") TEST_DIR = os.path.join(PATH_TO_DATA, "test") def tokenize_doc(doc): """ Tokenize a document and return its bag-of-words representation. doc - a string representing a document. returns a dictionary mapping each word to the number of times it appears in doc. """ bow = defaultdict(float) tokens = doc.split() lowered_tokens = map(lambda t: t.lower(), tokens) for token in lowered_tokens: bow[token] += 1.0 return bow class NaiveBayes: """A Naive Bayes model for text classification.""" def __init__(self): # Vocabulary is a set that stores every word seen in the training data self.vocab = set() # class_total_doc_counts is a dictionary that maps a class (i.e., pos/neg) to # the number of documents in the trainning set of that class self.class_total_doc_counts = { POS_LABEL: 0.0, NEG_LABEL: 0.0 } # class_total_word_counts is a dictionary that maps a class (i.e., pos/neg) to # the number of words in the training set in documents of that class self.class_total_word_counts = { POS_LABEL: 0.0, NEG_LABEL: 0.0 } # class_word_counts is a dictionary of dictionaries. It maps a class (i.e., # pos/neg) to a dictionary of word counts. For example: # self.class_word_counts[POS_LABEL]['awesome'] # stores the number of times the word 'awesome' appears in documents # of the positive class in the training documents. self.class_word_counts = { POS_LABEL: defaultdict(float), NEG_LABEL: defaultdict(float) } def train_model(self, num_docs=None): """ This function processes the entire training set using the global PATH variable above. It makes use of the tokenize_doc and update_model functions you will implement. num_docs: set this to e.g. 10 to train on only 10 docs from each category. """ if num_docs is not None: print "Limiting to only %s docs per clas" % num_docs pos_path = os.path.join(TRAIN_DIR, POS_LABEL) neg_path = os.path.join(TRAIN_DIR, NEG_LABEL) print "Starting training with paths %s and %s" % (pos_path, neg_path) for (p, label) in [ (pos_path, POS_LABEL), (neg_path, NEG_LABEL) ]: filenames = os.listdir(p) if num_docs is not None: filenames = filenames[:num_docs] for f in filenames: with open(os.path.join(p,f),'r') as doc: content = self.tokenize_and_update_model(content, label) self.report_statistics_after_training() def report_statistics_after_training(self): """ Report a number of statistics after training. """ print "REPORTING CORPUS STATISTICS" print "NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS IN POSITIVE CLASS:", self.class_total_doc_counts[POS_LABEL] print "NUMBER OF DOCUMENTS IN NEGATIVE CLASS:", self.class_total_doc_counts[NEG_LABEL] print "NUMBER OF TOKENS IN POSITIVE CLASS:", self.class_total_word_counts[POS_LABEL] print "NUMBER OF TOKENS IN NEGATIVE CLASS:", self.class_total_word_counts[NEG_LABEL] print "VOCABULARY SIZE: NUMBER OF UNIQUE WORDTYPES IN TRAINING CORPUS:", len(self.vocab) def update_model(self, bow, label): """ IMPLEMENT ME! Update internal statistics given a document represented as a bag-of-words bow - a map from words to their counts label - the class of the document whose bag-of-words representation was input This function doesn't return anything but should update a number of internal statistics. Specifically, it updates: - the internal map the counts, per class, how many times each word was seen (self.class_word_counts) - the number of words seen for each class (self.class_total_word_counts) - the vocabulary seen so far (self.vocab) - the number of documents seen of each class (self.class_total_doc_counts) """ pass def tokenize_and_update_model(self, doc, label): """ Tokenizes a document doc and updates internal count statistics. doc - a string representing a document. label - the sentiment of the document (either postive or negative) stop_word - a boolean flag indicating whether to stop word or not Make sure when tokenizing to lower case all of the tokens! """ bow = tokenize_doc(doc) self.update_model(bow, label) def top_n(self, label, n): """ Returns the most frequent n tokens for documents with class 'label'. """ return sorted(self.class_word_counts[label].items(), key=lambda (w,c): -c)[:n] def p_word_given_label(self, word, label): """ Implement me! Returns the probability of word given label (i.e., P(word|label)) according to this NB model. """ pass def p_word_given_label_and_psuedocount(self, word, label, alpha): """ Implement me! Returns the probability of word given label wrt psuedo counts. alpha - psuedocount parameter """ pass def log_likelihood(self, bow, label, alpha): """ Computes the log likelihood of a set of words give a label and psuedocount. bow - a bag of words (i.e., a tokenized document) label - either the positive or negative label alpha - float; psuedocount parameter """ pass def log_prior(self, label): """ Implement me! Returns a float representing the fraction of training documents that are of class 'label'. """ pass def unnormalized_log_posterior(self, bow, label, alpha): """ Implement me! alpha - psuedocount parameter bow - a bag of words (i.e., a tokenized document) Computes the unnormalized log posterior (of doc being of class 'label'). """ pass def classify(self, bow, alpha): """ Implement me! alpha - psuedocount parameter. bow - a bag of words (i.e., a tokenized document) Compares the unnormalized log posterior for doc for both the positive and negative classes and returns the either POS_LABEL or NEG_LABEL (depending on which resulted in the higher unnormalized log posterior). """ pass def likelihood_ratio(self, word, alpha): """ Implement me! alpha - psuedocount parameter. Returns the ratio of P(word|pos) to P(word|neg). """ pass def evaluate_classifier_accuracy(self, alpha): """ Implement me! alpha - psuedocount parameter. This function should go through the test data, classify each instance and compute the accuracy of the classifier (the fraction of classifications the classifier gets right. """ pass def produce_hw1_results(): # PRELIMINARIES # QUESTION 1.1 # uncomment the next two lines when ready to answer question 1.2 # print "VOCABULARY SIZE: " + str(len(nb.vocab)) # print '' # QUESTION 1.2 # uncomment the next set of lines when ready to answer qeuestion 1.2 # print "TOP 10 WORDS FOR CLASS " + POS_LABEL + " :" # for tok, count in nb.top_n(POS_LABEL, 10): # print '', tok, count # print '' # print "TOP 10 WORDS FOR CLASS " + NEG_LABEL + " :" # for tok, count in nb.top_n(NEG_LABEL, 10): # print '', tok, count # print '' print '[done.]' def plot_psuedocount_vs_accuracy(psuedocounts, accuracies): """ A function to plot psuedocounts vs. accuries. You may want to modify this function to enhance your plot. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(psuedocounts, accuracies) plt.xlabel('Psuedocount Parameter') plt.ylabel('Accuracy (%)') plt.title('Psuedocount Parameter vs. Accuracy Experiment') if __name__ == '__main__': nb = NaiveBayes() # nb.train_model() nb.train_model(num_docs=10) produce_hw1_results()