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Grading and policies
Final grades will be comprised of
- 20%: Participation and in-class exercises.
- 30%: Problem sets, which contain both written and programming portions.
- 20%: Midterm (in-class, Oct 20).
- 30%: Final projects, including project proposal, progress report, in-class presentation, and final report.
Late policies:
- Missed in-class exercises must made up.
- All problem sets must be completed. To allow for emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, once during the semester, you may use a 5-day extension. You can do this only once. Otherwise, problems sets will not be accepted late. Please start them early! In the past, some students have become very miserable when trying to do the homework the night before.
Academic honesty and collaboration policy for homework:
- All of the content you submit, both code and text, needs to be produced independently. It must be in your own words and based on your understanding of the solution.
- Collaboration: It is strongly encouraged to discuss problems with others verbally, and to help one another understand the material. But it’s important to distinguish cooperation from cheating. You may not share written materials or code, or copy answers, and you may not allow others to copy from you.
- On your homework, list the names of everyone you collaborated with, and the nature of your collaboration (for example, “X helped me” or “I helped X”, etc.).
- If you find and use or build off of published material, for example on the web or from a textbook, you must cite the source. Always explain the answer in your own words.
We follow the university’s Academic Honesty Policy and Procedures.