INFO 150: A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics

Solutions to Final Exam

David Mix Barrington

20 December 2017


  Q1: 15 points
  Q2: 20 points
  Q3: 25 points
  Q4: 30 points
  Q5: 30 points
Total: 120 points

Question text is in black, solutions in blue.

  • Question 1 (15): Briefly identify and distinguish the following terms or concepts (3 points each):

  • Question 2 (20): The web site WeRateDogsTM provide numerical ratings of dogs based on photographs, and publishes these at Recently they provided ratings for a set of five dogs: Ali, Cardie, Duncan, Toby, and Whistle (the set {a, c, d, t, w}). All of the ratings were integers in the set {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}. We define r(x) to be the rating of dog x, and assume that r is a function.

    This is a "stars and bars" argument. Such a rating corresponds to a binary string with five 0's (one for each dog) and four 1's (for the barriers between the five ratings). So the rating in the example corresponds to the string 001011001. There are C(9, 4) = 9×8×7×6/1×2×3×4 = 252 such binary strings.

  • Question 3 (25): In this problem we will translate and reason with statements about the scenario of Question 2, using the function r defined there and the usual arithmetic, equality, and comparison symbols for integers.

  • Question 4 (30): These are true/false questions, some involving the scenarios of Questions 2 and 3, with no explanation needed or wanted and no penalty for guessing (3 points each):

  • Question 5 (30): In this problem we study a Markov process derived from a simplified, one-player adaptation of the dreidel game traditionally played at Hannukah celebrations. At any time the Player has zero, one, or two chocolate coins. On each turn she spins the dreidel, which gives one of four outcomes with equal probability. She may gain or lose a coin based on this outcome:

    We will define M to be the Markov process for this game, with state set {0, 1, 2}, and Z to be the transition matrix of M, with Zij being the probability of going from state i to state j in one step. We also define A to be the matrix such that Aij is the number of outcomes (out of four) that take state i to state j in one step. Note that for any i and j, Zij = Aij/4. We can also consider A to be the adjacency matrix of a directed multigraph G, which has node set {0, 1, 2} and has Aij directed edges from node i to node j.

    Last modified 14 January 2018