INFO 150, Fall 2024

Syllabus and Course Schedule

Prof. David Mix Barrington

Reading assignments are from Ensley and Crawley: Discrete Mathematics: Mathematial Reasoning and Proof with Puzzles, Patterns, and Games

Class meetings are TuTh 4:00-5:15 in Morrill (III) room 203. There are two midterm exams, using one class period with extra time following.

Under Construction!

PART I: Mathematical Problems, Language, and Proofs

Tue 03 Sep L01  Course Overview and First Examples (1.1) 
Thu 05 Sep L02  Number Puzzles and Sequences (1.2)
Mon 09 Sep ---  (END OF ADD/DROP)
Tue 10 Sep L03  Truth-tellers, Liars, and Propositional Logic (1.3)
Thu 12 Sep L04  More Propositional Logic (1.3)
Tue 17 Sep L05  Predicates (1.4)
Thu 19 Sep L06  Translating Predicates and Quantifiers (1.4) 
Tue 24 Sep L07  Implications (1.5)
Thu 26 Sep L08  Mathematical Writing (2.1) 
Tue 01 Oct L09  Proofs About Numbers (2.2)
Thu 03 Oct X01  FIRST MIDTERM (4-6 pm, Morrill (III) 203)
                on Lectures 1-9 (Chapters 1, 2.1-2.2)

PART II: Induction, Sets, Relations, and Functions

Tue 08 Oct L10  Mathematical Induction (2.3) 
Thu 10 Oct L11  More Induction (2.3, 2.4)
Tue 15 Oct ---  NO CLASS (Monday Schedule)
Thu 17 Oct L12  Sums (2.4), Induction to Prove Correctness (extra)
Tue 22 Oct L13  Set Definitions and Operations (3.1)
Thu 24 Oct L14  More Operations, Properties of Sets (3.2, 3.3)
Tue 29 Oct L15  Functions One-to-One, Onto, and Composition (4.1, 4.2) 
Tue 29 Oct ---  Last Day to Drop With W or Elect Pass/Fail  
Thu 31 Oct L16  Relations and Equivalence Relations (4.4, 4.5)
Tue 05 Nov ---  NO CLASS (Election Day Holiday)
Thu 07 Nov X02  SECOND MIDTERM (in-class but 4:00-6:00) on Lectures 10-16 (Chapters 2, 3, 4)

PART III: Counting, Probability, and Graphs

Tue 12 Nov L17  Combinatorics, Basic Rules for Counting (5.1, 5.2)
Thu 14 Nov L18  Combinations and the Binomial Theorem (5.3)
Tue 19 Nov L19  Counting Binary Sequences (5.4)
Thu 21 Nov L20  Probability, Sum and Product Rules (6.1, 6.2) 
Tue 26 Nov L21  Probability in Games of Chance (6.3)


Tue 03 Dec L22  Expected Value in Games (6.4, 6.5)  
Thu 05 Dec L23  Graphs and Trees
Tue 10 Dec L24  Paths and Matrices

Final Exam (cumulative) During Exam Week, date and location TBA

Last modified 17 July 2024