The Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence is an inclusive and welcoming intergenerational congregation of diverse spiritual beliefs and practices.
 Our mission is to build a caring community where children and adults can safely learn and grow -- where we are supported and challenged on lifeÕs journeys,
called to service and to our higher selves, and inspired to better our world.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

10:00 a.m.

Ð The Salt of the Earth Ð


* Please stand, as you are able.  Latecomers may be seated.

WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                      Kit Langdon


PRELUDE              American Noel                                                            Carter

                           Recorded by Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer


KINDLING THE CHALICE  Unison Reading                                                     #702


* HYMN                All Creatures of the Earth and Sky (verses 1, 2, 5)           #203


READINGS             Luke, Matthew


* HYMN                                                                                     Old Hundredth

From all that dwell below the skies   De todos bajo el gran sol

Let songs of hope and faith arise      Surja esperanza, fe, amor

Let peace, goodwill on earth be sung Verdad, y belleza cantando,

Through every land, by every tongue De cada tierra, cada voz.




OFFERING OUR GIFTS      The Ballad of Mary Magdalen                            Shindell

                                    Recorded by Cry Cry Cry


MEDITATION                                                                                            #639


READINGS                      Galatians, Mark, Robert Wright


INTERLUDE           It AinÕt Necessarily So               G. & I. Gershwin (arr. Drumm)

                           DAMB, vocal; Karl Drumm, piano





SERMON                The Salt of the Earth                             David Mix Barrington


* HYMN                 We Laugh, We Cry                                                         #354


CLOSING WORDS    Joan Acocella




BENEDICTION        Unison Reading                                                             #684


POSTLUDE            Nobody Knows My Name                                               Jones

                           Recorded by Rickie Lee Jones


Join us after the service today for lemonade and conversation in the Parlor.


Thanks to our ushers for todayÕs services;
thanks also to our Welcome Team.



Our services are audio-transmitted to the Parlor, next to the Great Hall. With toys and comfortable furniture, this is a good space for parents of infants and other children to hear the service while children play. Please remember that some in the congregation, particularly those with hearing loss, may have trouble listening to the service if there are distractions in the Great Hall. Thanks.



TodayÕs recorded music offers three interpretations of the Jesus story from the contemporary folk tradition.  Dave Carter places the Christmas story in a modern city, Richard Shindell imagines (as Dan Brown and others have done) a greater role for Mary Magdalen, and Rickie Lee Jones improvises on poet Lee CantelonÕs imaginings of the words of Jesus in the opening track of her album The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard.


George and Ira GershwinÕs take on Biblical literalism is from Porgy and Bess (1936).

Thanks as always to Karl for the hymns and for his work on our song.



This morningÕs flowers are arranged by Sally Lawton.


Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence

220 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts 01060   413-584-1390

The Reverend Janet Bush, Minister

Gregory Hayes, Director of Music   Cindy Beal, Director of Religious Education    Misty McMillan, Administrator

Partner of the Unitarian congregation in Homorodkaracsonyfalva in Transylvania (Romania)