Closing Words for Summer Service of 22 August 2004 From G. H. Hardy: "The case for my life, then, or for that of any one else who has been a mathematician in the same sense in which I have been one, is this: that I have added something to knowledge, and helped others to add more; and that these somethings have a value which differs in degree only, not in kind, from that of the creations of the great mathematicians, or of any of the other artists, great or small, who have left some kind of memorial behind them." From Carolyn Porco: "I enjoy my career because it allows me to live my life on a plane different than most people do. My mental life is spent elsewhere -- it's spent in the outer solar system. I can think of no more enjoyable life to spend than that." From Tim Berners-Lee: "I was very lucky, in working at CERN, to be in an environment that Unitarian Universalists and physicists equally appreciate: one of mutual respect, and of building something very great through collective effort that was well beyond the means of any one person - without a huge bureaucratic regime. The environment was complex and rich; any two people could get together and exchange views, and even end up working together somehow. This system produced a weird and wonderful machine, which needed care to maintain, but could take advantage of the ingenuity, inspiration and intuition of individuals in a special way. That, from the start, has been my goal for the World Wide Web."