CMPSCI 601: Theory of Computation

Offered through the PEEAS distance learning program

Homework Assignment #3

David Mix Barrington

Assignment posted Fri 20 June 2003

Due Tue 15 July 2003, submitted to the Grade Grinder before 11:59 p.m. EDT

These questions should be submitted following the procedures outlined in the LPL text and the accompanying web site. Note that you will need your own new copy of the text to register with the Grade Grinder, unless you have a copy that you bought previously for another course using the same text.

Make sure you have read the statement on academic honesty on the homework assignment index page.

In particular, any files you submit to the Grade Grinder should be the product of your own interaction with it rather than copies from another's interaction -- the Grade Grinder actually detects this sort of thing.

There are twenty questions, for five points each. You may make multiple tries -- the Grade Grinder will report to me only whether you eventually get the right answer.

Last modified 2 July 2003