the HW#4 assignment, due a week
from Monday. I have adjusted the due dates of HW#5 and HW#6 as well.
Please plan to take the final exam by Friday 22 August, because grades
are due at noon EDT on Monday 25 August.
The final version
of my notes
with comments on HW#2 and advice for the midterm is now posted.
A quick summary is:
- Know what you are talking about! You need to know the type of every
variable you use, and whether the way you are using it makes sense.
- Keep coming back to the definitions, which will tell you what to do
to prove what you want to prove.
I have given the midterm to the PEEAS office, so your proctors
should receive it on Monday 21 July. As it turns out one student can't
schedule it until at least Thursday 24 July, so I'll give you until then
to take it. (Of course whenever you actually do take it, you get one
period of 90 minutes with no books or notes.)
I've graded the HW#2 and HW#3 responses from the five of you
who are still taking the course. (If you didn't do HW#3 and intend to
continue, please let me know by email.) The HW#2's were not very good --
the five scores were 18, 30, 35, 37, and 49. I will drop the lowest
of the six HW grades, so the rest will count 7% each, but clearly you have
to figure out what went wrong on these (by studying my solutions) to do well
on the test. The HW#3 results were better: 60, 78, 80, 95, and 100.
The midterm covers lectures 1-15, not 11-15, sorry!
The format and content will be similar to the two
Spring 2003 tests, the
practice and
real midterm exams.
Solutions for both these exams
are available linked from here.
Sorry I have not updated this in a while! I've received HW3
responses from five of you, and will send you summaries of your scores
by email. I've also mostly graded HW2 and will send email reports on
that, probably tomorrow.
I will be traveling from Thu 3 July through Sat 12 July, and
will be away from email for some of that time. I will be able to respond
to email questions, but it may be more complicated for me to update the
Q&A file remotely. During this time you should be largely engaged in reading
the LPL book and doing HW#3, for which the Grade Grinder will itself give
you useful feedback.
I was asked about a practice midterm -- you have the practice and
real tests from the Spring 2003 course,
which should be enough practice.
I'll be making the real midterm with the same format and difficulty as those
two exams.
I've posted homework assignment #3, due
on Tuesday 15 July, and solutions to HW#2.
I've corrected some typos in HW#2 (note
that corrected text there is in green) and added the clarification that
Question 3 there deals with one-tape Turing machines only).
Note that HW#3 will involve questions from the LPL book that
will be mechanically graded by a server connected to the LPL people.
This means that you must buy the LPL book and register as a user
following the instructions there. (If you've already bought LPL for a
previous course, you may reregister for no additional charge.) Note that
used copies of LPL are in general not usable if the prior owner has
registered themselves. I'm sorry about this, but it's the procedure that
this textbook publisher has insisted on and I need to follow it in order
to use the textbook.
I've made a correction in the statement of Problem 4 on
HW#2. The first hypothesis on A is meant to be
exactly one of the hypotheses of the Rice-Myhill-Shapiro theorem from
I've graded HW#1 and posted solutions.
These were generally disappointing, with only about three of them showing
good understanding of the material. I'll email out individual grades.
It is a very difficult undertaking to learn the material of a graduate
course at a top-rank research program at an accelerated pace while carrying
out a full-time job. Some of you may not be up to it this summer, and those
of you who succeed will need to work very hard.
I've just posted the assignment for
homework #2, due a week from Tuesday.
I will be away from email until Sunday morning. I will post
some general comments on HW#1 when I get back.
I've put the tentative due dates for all six HW assignments
on the homework assignment page. I'll post the
questions for HW#2 by Friday, it is due on Tuesday morning 1 July.
The midterm may be taken during the week of 14-18 July and the final
during the week of 18-22 August -- grades are due on Monday 25 August.
I've discovered I won't get a chance to grade any HW#1's
until 2:00 pm (EDT) on Friday 20 June 2003, so I will accept
faxed submissions until then for full credit. Express-mailed
submissions may arrive on that day, Friday.
The Q&A page now contains several more
answered questions about HW#1.
The first homework assignment is now posted.
It covers lectures 1-5, and is due Fri 20 June.
Be sure to read the
policy on academic honesty on the homework assignment page.
I have now
received the shipping schedule from PEEAS
for the videotapes of the lectures.