This page is for student questions and my answers related to the final, particularly on questions from prior final exams. Questions are in black, answers in blue.
You probably mentioned this in class, but what do the N, A and T stand for in NC, AC and ThC respectively?
NC originally is for "Nick's Class" because Nick Pippenger invented it.
AC is "alternating class" because of the alternations bound in the
Alternation/Circuit Theorem.
TC or ThC is "threshold class"
Two more questions on the alternation/circuit theorem:
(1) NC^1 equals the ATMs that takes O(log n) space, and O(log n) time, but the beginning of lec 25 (p.2) says, AC^0 equals to the ATM's with O(log n) time and O(1) alternations... Is that saying AC^0=NC^1? which is probably not true......
No, an ATM with O(log n) time does NC^1. Only if it is restricted to O(1) alternations does it do only AC^0. In general an ATM with O(log n) time might take as many as O(log n) alternations.
Initally I thought maybe O(1) alternation doesn't imply O(log n) space, but then I saw the ATM that equals to AC^0 has to take O(log n) time, which means you only have time to write log n space, right? So they are the same??
You're mixed up:
NC^1 = ATM with log space, log time
AC^0 = ATM with log space, log time, O(1) alternations
(2) The alternation/circuit theorem says, NC^i equals ATMs with O(log n) space, O(log^i n) time. Also we know that ASPACE(log n)=P. So is the unions of all the ATMs with O(log n) space, O(log^i n) time NOT the entire ASPACE(log n) ATMs? Otherwise, NC=P, right? So what's missing?
An arbitrary log-space ATM could take as many as n^{O(1)} alternations. Only if it is restricted to (log n)^{O(1)} alternations is it guaranteed to be within NC.
Ok. I see. I guess my next question is why can there not be nothing higher than n^{O(1)} alternations for an arbitrary log-space ATM?
Because the machine can run for only n^{(O(1)} time, having only that
many configurations.
If the machine switched from existential to universal or vice versa
on _every_ move, then the number of alternations would be equal to the
number of moves. It could not possibly be greater than the number of
Are you clear on what it means for an ATM to have a limited number of
I think so. This means the ATM can switch between "existential moves" and "universal moves" limited number of times. However, there maybe a number of existential moves (**is there a bound on this number?) before the machine switches to the next universal move, and this only counts as 1 alternation. Right?
Yes, exactly. There is no limit on how many moves there can be in a phase of existential moves, except of course that there is a limit on the total number of moves in a logspace machine.
Could you maybe write me up a quick and simple example of how you would prove that some A circuit-reduces to some B?
Ok, here's a proof that PARITY circuit-reduces to MAJORITY.
My "B-gates" are majority gates that output 1 iff they have
more 0 inputs than 1 inputs.
First I'll show how to make an exactly-k circuit out of MAJORITY
gates, where k is between 0 and n. If I take a MAJORITY gate with
2n inputs, and feed it k-1 1's, n-k+1 0's, and the n inputs, it
will output 1 iff at least k of the n inputs are 1. Similarly
I can make an at-least-(k+1) circuit. The AND of the at-least-k
circuit and the negation of the at-least-(k+1) circuit is an exactly-k
Now to build a PARITY circuit I take the OR of an exactly-1, exactly-3,
exactly-5, ... circuit for all odd numbers up to n.
To show that I have a circuit reduction I have to analyze the size
and depth of this circuit. The at-least-k's have size O(n) and depth
1. The exactly-k's have size O(n) and depth 3 (there is an AND of a
NOT of a MAJORITY gate). The entire PARITY circuit has size O(n^2)
and depth 4. Since this is constant depth and poly size I'm done.
I have two more questions regarding the proof that ThC0 is in NC1 (lec 24).
(1) why is the conversion from redundant notation to binary an addition problem and thus in FO?
Suppose I want to turn redundant-notation 32222303 into normal binary. I write each digit in two bits, a high-order bit and a low-order bit. I make a number L out of the low-order bits, in this case 10000101, and a number H out of the high-order bits, in this case 11111101. The original number is 2H+L. I can form 2H and L in NC^0, then I need to do one addition of ordinary binary numbers to get 2H+L.
(2) It seems to me we only showed MAJ is ThC0 and also in NC1, where did the "inclusion" conclusion come from?
ThC^0 are exactly those languages that circuit-reduce to MAJORITY, as on HW#7. (Because I can make any threshold gate by taking a MAJORITY gate and biasing it with constants.) Since NC^1 is closed downward under circuit-reduction, and MAJORITY is in NC^1, all of TC^0 is in NC^1.
Isn't adding 2H+L still adding two n-bit numbers?
I am still confused. Isn't it the reason for us to use redundant notation is because we cannot add two n-bit numbers in NC^0?
Yes. We still can't do it in NC^0, but we can do it in AC^0.
If I can add the two numbers using AC^0 in normal notation, why couldn't we immediately do the MAJ\in NC1 problem using the normal notation? (each of the ADD gate on the tree on p.9 lec. 24 can be done using AC^0 gate using the normal notation, which is O(1) depth. so the overall depth of that tree circuit is logn depth, thus NC1).....
No! You do have O(log n) depth, but you are only in AC^1 because you
have used unbounded fan-in every time you did an AC^0 addition.
We can add _two_ n-bit numbers in NC^1 because AC^0 is contained in NC^1.
The importance of redundant notation is that we can take our original
n n-bit numbers and create two n-bit (actually n + log n bit) numbers
that have the same sum. It takes us an NC^1 circuit to do this. It takes
us another NC^1 circuit to add the last two numbers. The composition of
two NC^1 operations is in NC^1.
Regarding Question 8 of the Spring 2003 final,
If the R(x,y) defined in the solution example is recursive because in 4 it is proved that ValComp is in L. Then, R(x,y) is in L, and thus is in P, right? But, in the final exam of summer 2003, question 3, it is also shown that if R(x,y) is in P, then the 2nd predicate is in NP because we can nondeterministically guess a string y and verify whether it is valid or not in P time. So it is recursive?
Is there a conflict here?
Yes, I'm afraid so.
The question is whether there is any bound on the length of y.
If x is the input, your NP procedure above is only polynomial-time
in the length of x if the length of y is bounded by a polynomial
in the length of x.
So there is a mistake in the solution of Summer 2003 final exam
question 3. Actually the mistake is in the problem, which should
have an extra condition in Definition 2: that the length of y is
polynomial in the length of x.
If there is no length bound on y, and we simply ask whether some
string y exists, then we only know that "∃y: R(x,y)" defines
an r.e. language, even if R is in the class L.
A good question, I'm glad you caught this.
Could you please restate the "sample exam problem" you mentioned in Lecture 27? I couldn't read it on the whiteboard, but it involved a logspace alternating TM.
I'm not remembering, I'm afraid, even after going through
the slides again. I did say something about EMPTY-DFA being
complete for NL.
Ah, I remember now how the logspace ATM came in.
I argued that the EMPTY-DFA problem is in co-NL, which
would be the languages of logspace ATM's that have only
Black moves (or only universal states). This is because
to show that a DFA D is _not_ in the language EMPTY-DFA,
it suffices to guess a string w that is in L(D). But
in a logspace ATM we can't write down this string w.
Instead we use a nondetermistic procedure ("the blundering
algorithm") to follow a path in the graph of D until we
reach a final state. Since it is possible for this procedure
to succeed iff D is not in EMPTY-DFA, we have shown that
EMPTY-DFA-bar is in NL and thus that EMPTY-DFA is in NL.
But by Immerman-Szelepcsenyi, we know that NL = co-NL so
EMPTY-DFA is in NL as well.
In Question 3 of the Spring 2003 final, are we showing that we can build a log space machine that can decide whether w is is A, given the input is (w, Cn)?
The input is w, but since A is in uniform NC^1 we can construct C_n, where n is the length of w, using a logspace machine.
But isnt the CIRC-VALUE problem also given
CIRC-VALUE or CVP is to input an arbitrary circuit C and string w of the
right length and evaluate C(w). It is P-complete and thus probably not in
Is there a conflict?
No. In question 3 we don't have an arbitrary circuit, we have a circuit
that is guaranteed to have O(log n) depth. Those circuits can be
evaluated in logspace as described in the solution.
I see. So why do we have to evaluate the circuit from the root node and
thus require recursion, why not evaluate it bottom up?
Because to evaluate it bottom up would require us to store lots of
intermediate results, which we cannot do in logspace.
For Q2, why is that "the games with d=0 can be resolved deterministically
in O(log n)? Isn't it just checking the adjacency matrix to see if the
input nodes u and v are the same or whether there is an edge from u to v?
Isn't that O(1) time?
But testing with a TM whether u and v are the same involves reading all of
u and v, which are O(log n) bits in all.
Another thing about Q2, why is the game such that "is there a path from u
to v of length at most 2^d"? why not just " most d"?
I want to reduce the lengths of the paths I am talking about by half
each time. Initially I care about paths of length up to n-1, and I want
to get to paths of length 1, so I need ceiling(log(n-1)) rounds. It's
easier to write if I use d rather than 2^d to describe the situation
where I am looking at paths of length 2^d, especially as the algorithm
simplifies when the path length is always a power of 2.
Last modified 16 May 2004