CMPSCI 601: Theory of Computation
David Mix Barrington
Spring, 2004
Homework Assignment #6
Due Wednesday 28 April 2004 in class or beforehand to
CMPSCI office drop box
(fax by
Fri 7 May 2:00 p.m. EST for off-campus students)
Question 4 changed on 21 April 2004!
- Question 1 (20):
The problem BETWEEN is the set {(G,a,b,c): G is a directed graph,
a, b, and c are vertices, and G has a path from a to c that
passes through b}. Prove that BETWEEN is complete for NL under
log-space reductions.
- Question 2 (20):
The problem MEMBER-NP is the set {(M,w,1t): M is a nondetermistic
multitape TM, w is a string, 1t is a string of 1's, and it is
possible for M to accept w in time at most t}. Prove that
MEMBER-NP is complete
for NP under log-space reductions. Do not use the Fagin or
Cook-Levin theorems -- prove directly that MEMBER-NP is in NP and that
any NP language reduces to it. (Typo corrected
21 April 2004.)
- Question 3 (15):
The decision problem HAMCIRCUIT is the set of directed graphs that have
a Hamilton circuit. Prove that if HAMCIRCUIT is in the class P, then
there is a poly-time algorithm that inputs a graph G and outputs
a Hamilton circuit in G if one exists.
- Question 4 (15):
Consider the restriction of the optimization problem TSP where the distance
between every pair of distinct nodes is between n and 2n, where n is
the number of nodes. Prove that TSP has a
(1/2)-approximation algorithm, using
the definition in Lecture 21, but is still NP-complete as a decision
problem. (The decision problem is the set of inputs (G,k) such that G
is a weighted graph meeting the given condition and G has a TSP of total
weight at most k.)
(This problem was changed on 21 April, it used to ask for a
1-approximation algorithm which is always the case according to the
given definition. Sorry, and thanks to the student who caught this.)
- Question 5 (10):
Prove that if the decision problem version of TSP is in P, then there
exists a poly-time algorithm that inputs a weighted directed graph G and
outputs the length of the optimal TSP tour. (Assume that the weights
are integers.)
- Question 6 (20):
Under the same assumption as for Question 5, prove that there exists a
poly-time algorithm that inputs G and outputs the optimal tour itself.
Last modified 21 April 2004