CMPSCI 601: Theory of Computation
David Mix Barrington
Spring, 2003
Homework Assignment #1
Due Wednesday 10 March 2004 in class
(Mon 22 March 2:00 p.m. EST for off-campus students)
- Question 1 (20):
Define a Garey-Johnson NTM to be a multitape TM that writes a guess
string nondeterministicly on one of its tapes, then runs deterministicly,
like the example on slide 16 of
Lecture 8. Define an ordinary NTM to be a multitape
TM whose state table, like that of an NTM, allows it zero, one, or more than
one action for each possibility of state and letter seen. Prove that for
any language A, A is the language of some GJNTM iff it is the language of
some ONTM.
- Question 2 (20):
Prove that the definition of NP
is the same whether defined in terms of GJNTM's or of ONTM's.
- Question 3 (10):
Prove that the reduction relation ≤, as defined in Lecture 10, is
reflexive and transitive.
- Question 4 (10):
Prove that any two r.e.-complete languages S and T
are equivalent in the sense of Lecture 10, i.e., S≤T and T≤S.
- Question 5 (10):
Prove that any finite or cofinite language
is recursive. (A is cofinite iff A-bar is finite.)
- Question 6 (30): Let P be any Bloop program that takes a
single input number n and returns an output number P(n).
Prove that there exists a Bloop-computable function f(n)
such that the function P(n) is in F(DTIME[f(n)]).
Hint: Use induction on the definition
of Bloop programs. They are built up from smaller programs by concatenation,
inclusion in a
loop, and function calls.
Last modified 9 March 2003