CMPSCI 601: Theory of Computation
David Mix Barrington
Spring, 2003
Homework Assignment #1
Due Monday 1 March 2004 in class
(Wed 10 March 2:00 pm EST for off-campus students)
Most of the problems are from [BE] and are to be submitted
to the Grade Grinder if they are marked for electronic
submission. The last two are written here.
Question 3 was replaced on 21 February 2004.
- Question 1 (80):
Do the following problems in [BE]: 3.3, 3.15, 3.21, 4.24, 6.2, 6.14, 6.32,
8.4, 8.46. 8.42 (10), 17.4, 17.13 (10), 17.16 (10). The problems not
marked "(10)" are five points each.
- Question 2 (10):
Describe a one-tape Turing machine that when started on input "w", a string
in {0,1}*, halts with "ww" on the tape. You may define the tape
alphabet as needed, and omit transitions that will not be used in a successful
- Question 3 (10+10):
(Question modified Sat 21 Feb 2004)
Explain informally why the function Times (which inputs two $n$-bit binary
strings interpreted as numbers x and y, and outputs their product xy)
is in the class F(DTIME(n2)). For up to ten points extra
explain informally why Times is in the class
is in the class F(DSPACE(log n)). Recall that the definition of the latter
class refers to a Turing machine
with a read-only input tape, one or more read/write work tapes, and a
write-only output tape.
Last modified 4 March 2004