CMPSCI 601: Theory of Computation

Offered through the PEEAS distance learning program

Homework Assignment Home Page

David Mix Barrington

Fall, 2003

CMPSCI 601 will have six homework assignments over the course of the term. Your responses should be faxed to me (413-545-1249, attention "Professor Barrington") by the time specified on the due date, or express-mailed to arrive the following day. I will grade the assignments and notify you of the results by individual email.

Here are links to the specific assignments:

I am happy to answer questions on the assignments by email. Questions and answers of general interest will be posted on the questions and answers page, without identifying the questioner.

Your solutions to homework problems must be your own work with respect to presentation. You may consult other people, books, or web sites for help with the problems, but:

Violation of this policy would constitute a serious breach of UMass academic honesty standards. The normal penalty for willful violation of these standards (for example, copying a solution to a problem from a web site without attribution) is dismissal from the course with a grade of F and notification to the Graduate School.

Last modified 11 December 2003