Q1: 10 points Q2: 10 points Q3: 10 points Q4: 10 points Q5: 10 points Q6: 25 points Q7: 25 points Q8: 25 points Total: max 100 points
Define OBL-P to be the set of languages A such that A = L(M) for some oblivious Turing machine with a polynomial time bound. Prove carefully that OBL-P = P. (This result is in the book, of course, but you must present it rather than quote it!) (Notes added during exam: You may use without proof the result that a k-tape TM may be simulated by a one-tape TM with polynomial time overhead. "P" is defined in terms of multitape TM's.)
First, it is obvious that OBL-P is contained in P because the oblivious
poly-time machine is also an ordinary multitape poly-time machine.
Let X be an arbitrary language in P, and let M be an arbitrary multitape
Turing machine, running in time p(n) on all inputs of size n, such that X =
L(M). Let M' be a single-tape machine equivalent to M (so that X = L(M'),
running in time p'(n) on inputs of length n -- from homework we know that this
M' exists where p' is a polynomial. We will build an oblivious machine O such
that O = L(M') and O still runs in polynomial time.
The machine O will have three tapes -- one to simulate the tape of M' with
an additional marker on the tape for the location of the simulated head of M',
one counter for how many steps of M' have been simulated, and one additional
counter. To simulate step i of the computation of M', O makes two passes over
the M' tape, from location 1 to location i and back. (It uses the additional
counter to know when to turn around.) Since the head of M' moves
only one cell per step, this pass must observe the M' head on the way left and
pass it again on the way back. On the way left O observes the letter under
the M' head, and on the way back right it implements the step of M'. Since the
step of M' may involve moving right for one cell, the entire leftward sweep
is done with two steps left followed by one right each time. When O has
finished the i'th step, it increments i on the M'-step counter. Clearly O will
simulate M', and clearly O is oblivious because the head movements are governed
solely by the number i, not even by the input length. Simulating step i of
M' takes O(i) time, so the total time to simulate all p'(n) steps is
(p'(n))2, still a polynomial.
Clearly CKT-SAT is in the class NP, because the string y can serve as a
certificate for the membership of (C, x) in CKT-SAT. Given C, x, and y,
checking the validity of the certificate just means evaluating C on input
(x,y), which takes time polynomial in the size of C and thus polynomial in the
input size.
We reduce 3-SAT to CKT-SAT. Given a 3-CNF formula φ with inputs
z1, ..., zk, we build a circuit using two binary OR-gates
to compute the value of each clause and a binary tree of binary AND gates to
compute the AND of all the clauses. We let this circuit be C, let x be
the empty string, and let y be the string
z1z2...zk, so that n = 0 and m = k. Clearly
there exists a y making C(x, y) = 1 iff φ is satisfiable, and clearly the
computation of (C, x) from φ can be carried out in polynomial time.
Since CKT-SAT is in NP and a known NP-complete language reduces to it, it is
We use the Savitch middle-first search construction on the configuration
graph of the log-space machine. This would work even if the machine were
nondeterministic. Many people got the basic definitions wrong here -- several
showed that log-space could be simulated with log width, for example.
Let M be a deterministic Turing machine using read/write
space O(log n) on inputs of length n, in addition to its read-only input.
A configuration of M on input x consists of the work
tape contents (O(log n) bits),
the machine state (O(1) bits), and the input head position (O(log n) bits), for
a total of O(log n) bits. There are thus n^{O(1)} (not n, as many of you wrote)
possible configurations. The graph has an edge from u to v whenever v is the
configuration that follows from u by the rules of M and the content of the input
x. The input is in L(M) if and only if there is a path in this graph from the
start configuration to the accepting configuration. (We modify M to make the
accepting configration unique.
In the Savitch construction, we have a node for every question of the form
PATH(u, v, 2i), which asks whether there is a path of length at most
2i from node u to node v. We pick a number k such that 2k
is at least the number of configurations (so k = O(log n)) and note that x is
in L(M) iff PATH(start, accept, 2k. We then have to connect these
nodes. The fundamental observation of middle-first search is that PATH(u, v,
2i) is true iff there exists a node w such that PATH(u, w,
2i-1) and PATH(w, v, 2i-1) are both true. In our circuit,
then, we make the node for PATH(u, v, 2i) an OR gate, with an
binary AND-gate child and two grandchildren for each w. For the nodes
PATH(u, v, 1) we have constant gates with value 0 or 1 or literals
xj or ¬xj depending on whether
either u = v or there is an edge from u to v in the configuration graph -- this
may depend on the input being viewed by the input read head in that
The size of the circuit is polynomial because there are only polynomially many
choices of u and v, O(log n) choices of i, and fewer than one "child gate" for
every PATH gate. The depth is O(log n) because it is O(k).
To prove log-space uniformity we must explain how a single log-space
Turing machine can produce the n-input graph given input n in unary. It
can do this by cycling through all the configurations u, v, and w and all the
numbers i ≤ k, building the nodes for PATH(u, v, 2i) and the
associated nodes and edges. It only needs to remember three node numbers
while it is doing this, which is possible in O(log n) space. Examining the
relevant configurations is enough to determine whether there is an edge
between any two given nodes in the circuit.
It is not such a family. For a uniform random a, the probability that ha(b) = x is exactly 1/p, since b plus a uniform random a is equally likely to be any number in Zp. If the family were pairwise independent, the events that ha(b) = x and ha(b') = x' (for b ≠ b') would be independent, meaning that the probability that both would happen would be the product of the two individual probabilities, or 1/p2. But for a uniform random a and any given b, b', x, and x' with b ≠ b', the probability for a uniform random a that both ha(b) = x and ha(b') = x' is either 1/p (if x - b = x' - b', so one particular a makes both events happen) or is 0 (if x - b ≠ x' - b', so that no a can make both happen). In either case the probability is not 1/p2 and thus the family is not pairwise independent. A family ha,b where ha,b(x) = ax + b (modulo p) would be pairwise independent by exactly the same reasoning used in the book in Chapter 8 -- that reasoning only required that the linear equations be over a finite field.
Prove that the Toffoli gate is a valid quantum operation because its matrix is unitary (i.e., it satisfies the rule AAT = I where AT is the transpose of A). (Hint: Find the inverse of the operation and argue from there. You can solve this problem with or without working with any specific 8 by 8 matrices.)
The Toffoli operation is a permutation of the eight pure states, so its matrix is a permutation matrix, with exactly one 1 in each row and in each column. The transpose of a permutation matrix is another permutation matrix, for the inverse permutation. Since the Toffoli permutation moves |110> to |111>, moves |111> to |110>, and keeps the other six pure states fixed, it is its own inverse and thus the matrix is also its own transpose. So if A is this matrix, AAT = AA = I, the identity matrix, and the matrix is unitary.
What is the result of applying a Toffoli gate to a register with state that is the sum, over all a, b, and c in {0,1}, of (1/√8)|abc>? What is the probability of observing each pure state if this register is observed after the Toffoli gate is applied?
This state is taken to itself by the Toffoli operation -- each pure state is the image of exactly one pure state, so it gets the coefficient that the other state had, which in each case is 1/√8. When we observe the register, for each pure state the probability of observing it is (1/√8)2 = 1/8.
What is the result of applying a Toffoli gate to a register with state (1/2)(|000> + |011> + |101> + |110>)? What is the probability of observing each pure state if this register is observed after the Toffoli gate is applied?
By applying the transformation to each component we get a new state of (1/2)(|000> + |011> + |101> + |111>). When we observe the register, we have a (1/2)2 = 1/4 chance of observing each of the pure states in this latter sum, and a zero chance of observing each of the other four states.
ATIME(f) is contained in DSPACE(f) because we can evaluate the game tree of
a game played in O(f) time with a deterministic machine using O(f) space.
To evaluate the winner from a configuration of the ATM, we recursively evaluate
both successor configurations and then find the optimal move. This requires
O(1) space to remember which successor we are evaluating, and the result of the
first evaluation while we are evaluating the second. Since the depth of
recursion is O(f), we need total space O(f) for our stack plus O(f) space
to store one or two configurations of the ATM at a time.
DSPACE(f), and even NSPACE(f), are contained in ATIME(f2)
because we can play the Savitch game (as in Question 3) on the configuration
graph of the deterministic or nondeterministic machine. Since that machine
uses space O(f), it has 2O(f) configurations and the game takes
O(f) rounds. Each round involves the White player naming a configuration,
taking O(f) time, and the Black player naming a bit taking O(1) time, so the
total time is O(f2).
ATIME(f) is contained in DSPACE(f) by (a), DSPACE(f) is strictly contained in DSPACE(g) by Space Hierarchy because f = o(g), and DSPACE(g) is contained in ATIME(g2) by (a). So ATIME(f) is strictly contained in ATIME(g2).
Let X be an arbitrary language in ATIME(g º f) -- we must show that X is also contained in ATIME(f). Let Y be the set of strings w0f(n) for all strings w of length n in X. The language Y is in ATIME(g), because given any string of the form w0f(n) we can extract w and then play the game to decide whether w is in X. This game takes O(g(f(n))) time, which is O(g(m)) time where m is the length of w0f(n), the input we are testing for membership in Y. By hypothesis, Y is also in ATIME(n). But then we can decide whether w is in X with a game using time O(f(n)) -- we just form the string w0f(n) and play the linear-time game on this new string to determine whether it is in Y. Linear time in the length of the new string is just O(f) time.
Assume the contrary, that for some fixed ε we have ATIME(n) = ATIME(n1+ε). Then we can use (c) and induction to prove that ATIME(n) = ATIME(n(1+ε)k for any positive integer k, noting that if g(n) = n1+ε and f(n) = n(1+ε)k, then g(f(n)) = n(1+ε)k+1. If we choose k greater than 1/log2(1+&epsilon), a constant, we get (1+ε)k > 2 and thus ATIME(n) = ATIME(n2+δ) for some positive constant δ. Now setting f(n) = n and g(n) = n1+δ/2, we have a contradiction to part (b).
BPP is contained within PSPACE, because a deterministic poly-space machine can
simulate a probabilistic poly-time machine on all possible random sequences,
calculate the probability that the probabilistic machine will accept the input,
and give its output based on whether this is ≥ 2/3 or ≤ 1/3.
In turn, PSPACE is contained within alternating polynomial time by the
Savitch argument summarized in Question 6(a). A deterministic (or even
nondeterministic) machine operating in space p(n) can be simulated by an ATM
game played in O(p2(n)) time, using the Savitch game to determine
whether a path exists in the first machine's configuration graph.
The Sipser-Gacs theorem does also
imply that BPP is in alternating polynomial
time, if you can prove it, since Σp2 consists of
the languages of poly-time ATM's with limits on their alternation. Its proof
is considerably more complicated than the Savitch argument.
Let A be the BPP language, and let B be a deterministic poly-time machine
that takes an input x (of length n)
and a random sequence y and simulates the probabilistic
polynomial-time machine for A, so that x is in A if and only if B(x,y) = 1
for at least a 2/3 fraction of the y's, and x is not in A if and only if B(x, y)
for at most a 1/3 fraction of the y's. By amplification, we can create another
poly-time machine B' so that if x is in A, B'(x, z) = 1 for at least a
1 - 2-2n fraction of the z's, and if x is not in A, B'(x, z) for at
most a 2-2n fraction of the z's.
For a uniformly chosen random z, the expected probability that for a random
x, x is in A if and only if B'(x, z) = 1, is thus at least 1 - 2-2n.
By an averaging argument, then, at least one of these z's must have at least
this probability of computing membership in A correctly, and the only way a
fraction with denominator 2n (the number of possible x's) can be
at least this great is to be equal to 1. Therefore there exists a z such that
the machine that inputs x and returns B'(x, z) is a decider for A. By a
standard construction based on the proof of the Cook-Levin theorem, we can
take a deterministic poly-time machine (even one that takes polynomial advice)
and create a poly-size circuit family.
The proof I had in mind is as follows.
The Karp-Lipton Theorem says that if NP is contained in P/poly, then the
hierarchy collapses (to Σ2p). If NP and BPP
are the same class, then NP is contained in P/poly because BPP is
(unconditionally) contained in P/poly by part (b). So under this assumption,
the hierarchy collapses.
Many people tried to use Sipser-Gacs, claiming a collapse from the fact that
NP is contained in Σ2p. But this containment is
true unconditionally, since NP equals Σ1p, and does
not imply any collapse.
At least one student found a valid alternative proof that is simpler than
mine. BPP is (unconditionally) closed under complement -- if M is a
probabilistic poly-time machine proving that A is in BPP, then the machine
that simulates M and reverses its answer proves that A's complement is in BPP.
If NP = BPP, then, NP is closed under complement, and thus the classes
Σ1 and Π1p are equal,
and this collapses the hierarchy to these classes. (You can prove by
induction on i that each class Σip is equal to NP.)
Let A be an arbitrary language in BPP. Using a PRG with stretch 2n, we can take a seed of length k = Θ(log n) and produce a pseudorandom string of length long enough to run M, the probabilistic poly-time machine for A. By the definition of security, for any fixed x, the probabilities that this probabilistic poly-time machine accepts x for a truly uniform random sequence and for a pseudorandom sequence differ by a negligible function of k. The truly random probability for each x must be either ≥ 2/3 or ≤ 1/3, and since a negligible function of a number that is Θ(log n) is eventually smaller than any constant, the pseudorandom probability is either ≥ 3/5 or ≤ 2/5. In deterministic polynomial time, we can run the M on the pseudorandom sequences from every possible seed of length k, and calculate this latter probability exactly. If we accept whenever it is greater than 1/2, we always get the correct answer for membership in A. Hence A is in P under the assumption that this PRG exists.
Let X be the set of strings that are produced by the PRG for some seed. X is clearly an NP language, so by the assumption it is in P. Let A be an polytime algorithm that returns 1 on w if and only if w is in X. Now consider running A on pseudorandom or on truly random strings of length s(n). The probability that it returns 1 for a pseudorandom string is 1, since all pseudorandom strings are in X. The probability that it returns 1 on a truly random string is at most 2n/2s(n), because there are only 2n strings of length n to produce pseudorandom strings from, and this number is at most 1/2 because s(n) > n. So the probabilities differ by at least 1/2, which is certainly a non-negligible function, and thus the PRG is not secure.
Fix a plaintext string x and fix any such function A. Let B be the algorithm that takes a string z of length L(n) and runs A on x ⊕ z. B is clearly a probabilistic poly-time algorithm. B on a truly random string is the same as A operating on a one-time pad encoding of x, and we proved on the homework that no possible such A can predict any bit of x with probability greater than 1/2. B on a pseudorandom string is exactly A operating on Ek(x) for a uniform random key k. By the security of the PRG, the probability that B accepts in this case differs only negligibly from the probability that B accepts in the truly random case. So the former probability, which is the probability that A predicts a bit of x correctly given Ek(x), is at most 1/2 plus a negligible function.
A chosen plaintext attacker for this scheme is a probabilistic poly-time algorithm A such that if a string y is equal to Ek(x0) for some key k Pr[A(y) = 1] is at least n-c for some constant c, and Pr[A(y) = 1] < ε(n) if there is no such k.
Show that there cannot exist such a chosen plaintext attacer for E. (Hint: Given a hypothetical attacker A, construct a probabilistic poly-time machine B that operates on the pseudorandom or random one-time pads, and use the assumed security of G.) (Note added during exam: You may quote results from HW #8 without proof.)
As before, let B be the algorithm that takes input z and runs A on x0 ⊕ z. B's probability of acceptance on a truly random z is at most 2n/2L(n), which is at most 2-n because L(n) ≥ 2n. If A behaved as advertised, this probability would have to be ≥ ε(n) for B on a pseudorandom string, since in the pseudorandom case the y that A operates on always is equal to Ek(x) for some k. But if the PRG is secure, the two probabilities could not differ by as much as ε(n) - 2-n, a non-negligible function.
Last modified 19 May 2010