Q1: 10 points Q2: 10 points Q3: 10 points Q4: 10 points Q5: 10 points Q6: 25 points Q7: 25 points Q8: 25 points Total: max 100 points
Define OBL-P to be the set of languages A such that A = L(M) for some oblivious Turing machine with a polynomial time bound. Prove carefully that OBL-P = P. (This result is in the book, of course, but you must present it rather than quote it!) (Notes added during exam: You may use without proof the result that a k-tape TM may be simulated by a one-tape TM with polynomial time overhead. "P" is defined in terms of multitape TM's.)
Prove that the Toffoli gate is a valid quantum operation because its matrix is unitary (i.e., it satisfies the rule AAT = I where AT is the transpose of A). (Hint: Find the inverse of the operation and argue from there. You can solve this problem with or without working with any specific 8 by 8 matrices.)
What is the result of applying a Toffoli gate to a register with state that is the sum, over all a, b, and c in {0,1}, of (1/√8)|abc>? What is the probability of observing each pure state if this register is observed after the Toffoli gate is applied?
What is the result of applying a Toffoli gate to a register with state (1/2)(|000> + |011> + |101> + |110>)? What is the probability of observing each pure state if this register is observed after the Toffoli gate is applied?
A chosen plaintext attacker for this scheme is a probabilistic poly-time algorithm A such that if a string y is equal to Ek(x0) for some key k Pr[A(y) = 1] is at least n-c for some constant c, and Pr[A(y) = 1] < ε(n) if there is no such k.
Show that there cannot exist such a chosen plaintext attacer for E. (Hint: Given a hypothetical attacker A, construct a probabilistic poly-time machine B that operates on the pseudorandom or random one-time pads, and use the assumed security of G.) (Note added during exam: You may quote results from HW #8 without proof.)
Last modified 19 May 2010