This is the home page for COMPSCI 596C. COMPSCI 596C is a group independent study course in computational complexity theory.
Instructor Contact Info: David Mix Barrington, 210 CMPSCI building, 545-4329, zoom 459 532 6175, office hours Spring 2025 TBA. I generally answer my email fairly reliably. Until the last few years, CICS has offered COMPSCI 601, a course in complexity theory following on the material in COMPSCI 501. There are no _immediate_ plans to offer this course soon (I'm not ready to do it myself, for one thing) but the CICS leadership is interested in offering it in Spring 2026. I hope to provide an opportunity for students who have done COMPSCI 501 to learn some of this material, using the Arora-Barak textbook. It will a group independent study course, with participants rotating to present chapters of the text. There will be no exams, but we would work through some of the exercises in the book. Quinn Mayo, the undergraduate doing an honors thesis with me this year, has learned large fractions of this material and will be a lead participant. This would _not_ replace COMPSCI 601 for any graduate requirements -- in factit will not meet any specific undergraduate requirements, other than three graduation credits.
The course will meet for one lecture meeting a week, Fridays 4:00-5:00 p.m., in room 140 of the Computer Science building.
The expected background is a prior course in computability and complexity, like our own COMPSCI 501. Anyone may attend the group meetings, and students registered in the course are expected to present material.
The required textbook is the Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak.
Each student will prepare some material from the textbook, to be decided during the term. That presentation, and some problem sets during the term, will be the basis for grading the course.
Announcements (1 February 2025):
The current plan is for Minh and Aaron, in either order, to present
28 February on Chapter 4 (space complexity) and 7 March on Chapter 5
(PH and alternations). I'll do Chapter 6 (circuits) on 14 March.
Last modified 21 February 2025