COMPSCI 575/MATH 513: Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Practice First Midterm Exam, Fall 2016
David Mix Barrington
4 October 2016
- Answer the problems on the exam pages.
- There are eight problems (some with multiple parts)
for 100 total points.
Estimated scale is A = 93, C = 63.
- If you need extra space use the back of a page.
- No books, notes, calculators, or collaboration.
Q1: 10 points
Q2: 10 points
Q3: 10 points
Q4: 10 points
Q5: 15 points
Q6: 15 points
Q7: 15 points
Q8: 15 points
Total: 100 points
For Questions 1-4, the graph H has node set {a, b, c, d, e} and nine
edges, consisting of all possible edges except (c, e).
- Question 1 (10):
Are all graphs with five nodes and nine edges isomorphic to H? Justify
your answer.
- Question 2 (10):
Is H a planar graph? Prove your answer. What is the number of regions in a
planar embedding of H, given by Euler's Formula?
- Question 3 (10):
Does H have an Euler path and/or Euler circuit? Does H have a Hamilton path
and/or Hamilton circuit? Justify your answers.
- Question 4 (10):
What is H's chromatic number? (This is the "vertex-chromatic" rather than the
"edge-chromatic" number.) Prove your answer.
- Question 5 (15):
Prove that if G is any graph, either G is connected or G's complement
GC is connected. (GC is a graph with the same vertices
as G and exactly the edges that are not in G.) (Hint: Use induction
on n, the number of vertices, and consider the possible cases.)
- Question 6 (15):
Let K be a weighted (undirected) complete graph with n vertices, where every
edge weight is either 1 or 2. Let K' be the ordinary graph with the same
vertices as K and an edge wherever the corresponding edge of K has weight 1.
Suppose that K' has a Hamilton circuit. What is the weight of a minimum
spanning tree of K? Prove your answer (that is, prove both that it is not too
high and not too low).
- Question 7 (15):
Suppose we had an approximation algorithm for TSP that, on graphs with n nodes,
always found a Hamilton circuit whose weight was at most n times the weight of
the optimal circuit. Indicate how we could use this algorithm to solve the
NP-complete Hamilton circuit problem. (Hint: Your argument should involve
weighted graphs that do not obey the triangle inequality.)
- Question 8 (15):
Suppose we have a network with one or more sources, one or more sinks,
positive integer capacities on the directed edges, and intermediate nodes
with zero net flow. The value of a flow in such a network is the sum of the
flows out of the sources. Describe how we can use the results about ordinary
networks (with one source and one sink) to find the maximum possible flow in
this new network,
Last modified 22 October 2016