CMPSCI 501: Theory of Computation

Solutions to First Midterm Exam, Spring 2016

David Mix Barrington

Exam given February 2016

Solutions posted 26 February 2016


Question text is in black, solutions in blue.

  Q1: 10 points
  Q2: 10 points
  Q3: 10 points
  Q4: 10 points
  Q5: 10 points
  Q6: 10 points
  Q7: 15 points
  Q8: 10 points
  Q9: 10 points
  Q10: 10 points
  Q11: 10 points
  Q12: 15 points
 Total: 130 points

The language X over the alphabet {a, b, c} is denoted by the regular expression (ab)*c(ab)*.

The language Y over the alphabet {a, b, c} is the set {wcw: w ∈ {a, b}*}.

The grammar G has input alphabet {a, b, c}, nonterminals S and T, start symbol S, and rules S → aTb, T → bSa, and S → c.

Last modified 26 February 2016