CMPSCI 501: Theory of Computation

First Midterm Exam, Spring 2016

David Mix Barrington

17 February 2016


  Q1: 10 points
  Q2: 10 points
  Q3: 10 points
  Q4: 10 points
  Q5: 10 points
  Q6: 10 points
  Q7: 15 points
  Q8: 10 points
  Q9: 10 points
  Q10: 10 points
  Q11: 10 points
  Q12: 15 points
 Total: 130 points

The language X over the alphabet {a, b, c} is denoted by the regular expression (ab)*c(ab)*.

The language Y over the alphabet {a, b, c} is the set {wcw: w ∈ {a, b}*}.

The grammar G has input alphabet {a, b, c}, nonterminals S and T, start symbol S, and rules S → aTb, T → bSa, and S → c.

Last modified 26 February 2016