CMPSCI 401: Theory of Computation
First Midterm Exam, Spring 2012
David Mix Barrington
21 February 2012
- Answer the problems on the exam pages.
- There are thirteen problems
for 120 total points plus 10 extra credit.
Actual scale was A=112, C=70.
- If you need extra space use the back of a page.
- No books, notes, calculators, or collaboration.
- The first six questions are true/false, with five points for the correct
boolean answer and up to five for a correct justification of your answer --
a proof, counterexample, quotation from the book or from lecture, etc. -- note
that there is no reason not to guess if you don't know.
Q1: 10 points
Q2: 10 points
Q3: 10 points
Q4: 10 points
Q5: 10 points
Q6: 10 points
Q7: 10 points
Q8: 10 points
Q9: 10 points
Q10: +10 points
Q11: 10 points
Q12: 10 points
Q13: 10 points
Total: 120+10 points
The regular language L1 is over the alphabet Σ =
{a, b, c} and is defined by the regular expression
Σ*(aa ∪ bb ∪ cc)Σ*.
The language L2 is the complement of L1, that
is, Σ* ∖ L1.
The context-free language L3 over the alphabet {a, b} is
defined by the grammar with start symbol S and rules S → bSS and
S → a.
- Question 1 (10):
True or false with justification:
The class of context-free languages is closed under reversal. That
is, if L is any context-free language, then the language
LR = {wR: w ∈ L} is context-free.
- Question 2 (10):
True or false with justification:
The language L4 = {aibjck:
(i ≥ (i + j + k)/117) ∧
(j ≥ (i + j + k)/117) ∧
(k ≥ (i + j + k)/117)} is a context-free language.
- Question 3 (10):
True or false with justification:
Let u and v be any two nonempty strings. Then u and v are
L1-equivalent (in the sense of the Myhill-Nerode Theorem)
if and only if u and v have the same last letter.
- Question 4 (10):
True or false with justification:
The language L3 has exactly four strings of length 7.
- Question 5 (10):
True or false with justification:
Let u, v, x, y, and z be any five strings over the same (nonempty)
Then the language {uvixyiz: i ≥ 0} is a
context-free language.
- Question 6 (10):
True or false with justification:
Let N be an NFA, with no ε-moves, all of whose states are
reachable from the start state. Let D be the equivalent DFA
constructed from N by the Subset Construction, containing only
states reachable from its start state. Then D must have at least as
many states as N.
Questions 7-10 use the languages L1 and L2
defined above.
- Question 7 (10):
Build and NFA whose language is L1. Justify your answer.
The construction from Sipser gave 22 states (by my count) for this
regular expression. You are welcome to use it, or my simpler
construction, but you may be able to create and justify a simpler
- Question 8 (10):
Build a DFA for the language L2 (not for L1)
by any valid method.
- Question 9 (10):
Give a DFA for L2 with the minimum possible number of
states, and prove that it is minimal. (You could do this by
the minimization algorithm, or by showing that each pair of states is
- Question 10 (10 extra credit):
Give a regular expression for the language L2. (Note --
this is extra credit because it is likely to take some time, so use
your best judgement as to whether to try this before attempting the
other problems. You could use the book's algorithm to get the regular
expression from the DFA. or you could reason directly. Here's a hint
if you try the latter -- if w is a string in L2, what can
happen between the occurrences of the letter a in w?)
Questions 11-13 deal with the context-free language L3
defined above, with the grammar rules S → bSS and S → a.
- Question 11 (10):
Give a pushdown automaton whose language is L3, by any
valid method.
- Question 12 (10):
Is L3 a regular language? Prove your answer. (Hint:
Consider the intersection of L3 with the regular language
- Question 13 (10):
Prove carefully that every string in L3 has odd length.
You should use mathematical induction. One way is to use induction on
the number of steps in the derivation of a string in L3.
Another is to use the grammar as an inductive definition of the
language and use induction on that.
Last modified 26 February 2012