Most or all homework questions will be from the textbook, Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser. (We are using the second edition -- not all problems will be in the first edition and the numbering may be different.) The links below will be dead until I post the assignments, and I will announce on the course home page when I post each one.
Homework is due in (lecture) class, on paper on the date indicated, unless specific alternate arrangements are made with the TA. Late papers will in general not be accepted. Students with major extenuating circumstances should contact the instructor.
Students are responsible for understanding and following the academic honesty policies indicated on this page.
Homework 1, posted Tuesday 29 January 2008, due in class Friday 15 February 2008
Homework 2, posted Monday 18 February, due in class Monday 3 March
Homework 3, posted Friday 29 February, due in class Friday 14 March
Homework 4, posted Monday 24 March, due in class Wednesday 9 April
Homework 5, posted Sunday 13 April, due in class Monday 28 April
Homework 6, posted Monday 28 April, due by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 13 March to me or to the CMPSCI main office.
Last modified 28 April 2008