Questions in black, answers in blue
Here are two graphs in adjacency list format. G is undirected and H is directed:
Since I'm not good at HTML pictures, I'll skip the drawing of the graphs
and just describe the DFS forests verbally.
The root of G's forest is vertex 1. From 1 we search 3, then 2, then
6, so we get a chain of tree edges from 1 to 3 to 2 to 6. During this search
we discover a back edges from 6 to 3. Finishing 6 and 2, we return to 3 and
find 5, which has a back edge to 1. Finishing 3, we
return to 1 and search 4, so there
is a tree edge from 1 to 4. Thus in the tree, 1 has children 3 and 4, 3 has
children 2 and 5, 2 has child six, and we found two back edges for seven total
The root of H's forest is A. A has child B, B has a back edge to A and
a tree edge to E, E has tree edges to C and D, with C having a back edge to
B and D having a back edge to A. There are seven total edges, four tree edges
and three back edges.
Consider the situation when we are searching v and first encounter the edge from v to w. If w has not yet been visited, (v,w) becomes a tree edge. If w has been visited but is still being processed, it must be an ancestor of v because the dfs(w) process can only still be running if some descendent of w is being searched. So in this case (v,w) becomes a back edge, unless w is the parent of v in which case it doesn't go in the forest at all. If the dfs(w) process has been completed, all edges out of w have been checked, including the edge (w,v) that must exist since (v,w) exists and the graph is undirected. So (v,w) is the second occurrence of the edge between v and w, and thus does not go into the DFS forest at all.
H is strongly connected. There is a path from A down the tree to any
other vertex. And we can reach A from both leaves of the tree, from D directly
by the back edge to A and from C via the back edge to B and then the back edge
to A.
In general a directed graph is strongly connected iff (a) its DFS forest is
a tree, and (b) there is a path from each leaf of this tree to the root.
(Proof of this:) Clearly if the forest is not a tree, or it there is a leaf
with no path to the root, we are not strongly connected. If (a) and (b) both
hold, and x and y are any two vertices, there is a path from x down to some
leaf, by the path given by (b) to the root, then down the tree to y.
Another way to say this is that the graph is not strongly connected
iff there is a node x, other than the root, with the property that every back
edge from a descendent of x goes to x or a descendent of x. We can determine
whether this is true while doing a DFS, by having the process dfs(v) also
report back the highest node reached by a back edge from v or one of its
Because the graph is connected, we know that the DFS forest is a tree.
The root is an articulation point iff it has exactly one child in this
tree. (Proof: If all other codes are connected to the single child, removing
the root does not disconnect the graph. If there is a node not reachable from
the first child without going through the root, the first such node will
become the second child.)
A non-root node is an articulation point if all back edges from it or its
descendents go to it or its descendents. (Proof: If there is a way out of
this node's subtree without using this node, it must be by a back edge to one
of its ancestors. If there is such a back edge, removing the node does not
disconnect the graph.
We test this property much as in Question 3, with each dfs(v) process
reporting back the highest node reachable by a back edge from v or one of
its descendents.
Last modified 9 October 2003