Please answer the questions during the discussion period.
Our analysis of max flows and min cuts last week leads to an algorithm (called the Ford-Fulkerson method) for finding max flows in a flow diagram. The residual graph for a flow is the flow diagram that labels each edge with the capacity in each direction, if any, not used by the flow. For example, if an edge can take from 0 to 6 units in one direction and 4 are currently going across it, the residual graph shows 2 units in the forward direction and 4 in the backward direction.
An augmenting path is a path of non-zero edges in the residual graph. If there is an augmenting path, we can increase the flow along it by an amount equal to its lowest-labeled edge. (If there is no augmenting path, then there is a cut equal to the flow capacity and the flow is maximum.) The Ford-Fulkerson method is to keep finding an augmenting path and increasing the flow as long as you can. It always works on integer flows, but not always quickly:
1000 1000
/ ^ \
/ | \
/ | v
>(1) 1| ((4))
\ | ^
\ | /
\ 1000 | 1000 /
Last modified 1 December 2003