CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
Second Midterm Exam
David Mix Barrington
3 April 2012
- Answer the problems on the exam pages.
- There are three problems
for 100 total points plus 10 extra credit.
Actual scale is A = 93, C = 65.
- If you need extra space use the back of a page.
- No books, notes, calculators, or collaboration.
- In case of a numerical answer, an arithmetic expression
like "32× 26 + 13 × 41" need not be reduced to a
single integer.
Q1: 35 points
Q2: 25+10 points
Q3: 40 points
Total: 100+10 points
Here are several definitions used on the exam.
Remember that natural always means "non-negative integer".
Generalized Fibonacci Numbers:: If a and b are any two
we define the function Ga,b by the rules (1)
Ga,b(0) = a, (2) Ga,b(1) = b, and (3) (for n
≥ 1) Ga,b(n+1) = Ga,b(n) +
Note that the ordinary Fibonacci numbers, as defined in Discussion #7,
are defined by F(n) = G0,1(n).
A Function From Binary Strings to Integers: Let Σ =
{0, 1}, so that Σ* is the set of all binary strings,
including the empty string λ. We define the function f from
Σ* to the integers, recursively by the rules (1)
f(λ) = 0, (2) for any string w, f(w0) = 1 - f(w), and (3) for
any string w, f(w1) = 1 + f(w). (Here "w0" is the string made by
appending a 0 to w, and similarly for "w1".)
A Labelled Directed Graph: We will look at several searches
of the following labelled directed graph G. Each edge goes in only
one direction and is labelled by its cost.
1 2
[a] -----> [b] -----> [c]
^ | |
| 1 | 1 | 3
| | |
| 5 V 4 V
[s] -----> [d] -----> [g]
| | ^
| 6 | 1 | 1
| | |
V 3 V 1 |
[e] -----> [f] -----> [j]
A Heuristic: For an A* search of G with goal node
g, we will use the following heuristic. For any node x in g, the
function h(x) will give the smallest number of edges on any path from
x to g. Thus h(a) = h(e) = 3, h(b) = h(s) = h(f) = 2, h(c) = h(d) =
h(j) = 1, and h(g) = 0.
- Question 1 (20):
These questions all deal with the generalized Fibonacci numbers
defined above.
- (a, 5) Compute the value of G4,2(5). (Hint: If
want to do some arithmetic, compute G4,2(10). If you
don't get 246, your method is wrong. But only G4,2(5)
is required for the answer.
- (b, 10) Let a and b be any two naturals. Prove that for any
natural n, Ga,b(n) is an natural (that is, it is an
integer and is not negative). (Hint: Use strong induction on n as
in the Fibonacci proofs on Discussion #7.)
- (c, 10) Again letting a and b be arbitrary naturals, prove
that for all n with n ≥ 1, Ga,b(n+1) ≥
Ga,b(n). (Hint: There are two ways to do this. You
could either use strong induction starting with n = 1, or use a
direct proof from the definition of Ga,b and the result
of part (b).)
- (d, 10) Again for arbitrary naturals a and b, prove that if n
is any natural with n ≥ 2, then Ga,b(n+3) ≤
5Ga,b(n). (Hint: You don't need induction, but use the
result of part (c).)
- Question 2 (25+10): These questions use the definition
of the function f: Σ* → Z defined above.
(Here Z is the integers -- it is conceivable that f(w) may be a
negative integer.)
- (a, 5) Compute the integers f(0110) and f(01010) according
to the recursive definition.
- (b, 10) Write a pseudo-Java method
public static int
f (string w)
to compute f(w) for any pseudo-Java binary
string w. Remember that unlike real Java String
pseudo-Java string
values are primitives. Use the
methods public static boolean isEmpty
, public
static char last
, and public static string
as given in the book. Each of these three
methods takes a single argument of type string
- (c, 10) Prove by induction on all binary strings w that
f(0w) = f(1w). Here "0w" is the string obtained by prepending a 0
to w. Remember that the Law of Induction for binary strings says
that to prove ∀w:P(w), you must prove P(λ),
∀w: P(w) → P(w0), and ∀w: P(w) → P(w1).
Note that "P(w1)", for example, means "f(0w1) = f(1w1)".
- (d, 10XC) Prove that for any string w, if f(w) = 0, then the
length of w cannot be odd.
- Question 3 (40): These four questions involve four
searches of the directed labelled graph G from above, each with
start node s and goal node g. Note that the edge labels are only
used in parts (c) and (d). In every case, when two nodes are
eligible to come off the open list at the same time, the one whose
name comes first in the alphabet comes off first. Also note that
in all four searches, we do not put a node onto the open
list if it has already come off the list. (Whether a node
can go on the open list, when another copy of it is already on the
open list, depends on which search you are doing.)
- (a, 10) Describe the action of a depth-first search of G,
with start node s and goal node g. Which nodes go on the open
list, and what path from s to g is found by the search?
- (b, 10) Describe the action of a breadth-first search of G,
with start node s and goal node g. Which nodes go on the open
list, and what path from s to g is found by the search?
- (c, 10) Describe the action of a uniform-cost search of G,
with start node s and goal node g. Which nodes go on the open
list, and what path from s to g is found by the search?
- (d, 10) Consider an A* search of G with start
node s and goal node g. You do not have to carry out the entire
search if you can answer the following three questions: (1)
Explain how h meets the conditions for an admissible heuristic,
(2) What path from s to g is returned by the search, and (3) Why
does the node e never come off the open list in the
A* search, while it does come off of it in the
uniform-cost search?
Last modified 9 May 2012