Question text is in black, answers in blue.
This is the reversal of the language L(M), which is the set {w^R: w ∈ L(M)}. The reversal of a language is defined on page 5-19 of the book.
According to some person on the internet, there are 12143 different words in the King James Bible -- maybe they average five or seven letters each? You can estimate the number of states in your NFA from these numbers. Then I want to know how the number of states in the DFA will compare with the number in the NFA. Bigger? Smaller? Way bigger, like 2k when k is the number in the NFA? Answering this means figuring out how the Subset Construction is going to affect this particular NFA.
No, I did something wrong. I meant to have you
prove ∀u:∀v:∃w: uw ≡L v,
instead of what is written there with uv ≡L w. So
there is an easy proof that doesn't use the assumption, and since it
is too late to fix the mistake I will give you five points for that
proof. I'll give an additional five for proving what I wanted.
The second question is correctly posed (and worth five points to
answer), but the bad first part doesn't help you much -- the good
first part does.
You may want to rewrite the assumption as ∀x:∃y: xy
≡L λ, to avoid confusion with the variable
names. All these variables represent strings.
Last modified 21 April 2011