Question text is in black, answers in blue.
No, I (in the book) have something wrong. Please add the additional condition that C(a,b,m) is FALSE whenever b ≥ m.
You are right -- the desired condition, that C(a,b,m) is true if and only if that natural r exists such that a = rm + b, is now only true for b < m and you only need to prove it in this case.
No, you may use any combination of
, allButLast
, isEmpty
and append
Look further, at n=3 and n=4. (I know I didn't
draw the n=4 case in the book but you should be able to draw it.)
In order to make a recursive proof you are going to have to figure
out what the n+1 case's path has to do with the n case's path. The
new path is roughly twice as long as the old one -- can you
this precise?
Last modified 22 March 2011