The symbol ⋅ denotes multiplication.)
For every natural a, there exists a natural b such that b is greater than a and there do not exist naturals c and d, each greater than one, such that c times d is b. (Equivalently, "There is a prime number larger than any natural", but we don't have that definition yet.)
If x continually increases but remains less than some number c, it approaches a limit, and this limit is either c or some lesser number. (Hint: Assign a variable to "the limit".)
C(a)∧R(x,c)→[∃y:L(x,y)∧(y=c ∨ y < c)]
It is not certain from the English text whether it refers to a particular
x and c, in which case they should be free variables as above, or to any x and
c, in which case we should have "∀x:∀c:" in front. I actually
prefer the second reading with the universal quantifiers.
and some of type positive real
"For every positive real number ε there exists a positive real number δ such that whenever a real number x is within δ of x0, f(x) is within ε of c." What are the free variables in this statement? (Hint: Look carefully at the word "whenever".)
∀ε:∃δ:∀x:[(|x-x0|<δ) →(|f(x)-c|<ε)] The free variables are x0 and c, plus f if you consider it to be a variable. The variable x should not be free because "whenever x" means that every possible x should be considered.
[∀x:∃y:E(x,y)]→[EP↔(∀x:∃y:P(x,y)∧ [∃x:∃y:∀z:(x≠y)∧(O(z)↔((z=x)∨(z=y)))])]
If for every node x there is a node such that there is an edge from x to y, then the graph has an Euler Path if and only if the following is true: Any two nodes have a path from one to the other, and there are exactly two nodes with an odd number of neighbors.
Last modified 15 February 2006