CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
David Mix Barrington
Spring, 2005
This is the home page for CMPSCI 250.
CMPSCI 250 is the undergraduate core course in
discrete mathematics and will deal with logic, elementary number theory,
proof by induction, combinatorics, graphs, finite automata, regular languages,
and a brief introduction to Turing machines.
Instructor Contact Info:
David Mix Barrington, 210 CMPSCI
building, 545-4329, office hours Monday 10-12, Thursday 1-3.
TA Contact Info:
Nadia Ghamrawi, office hours Tuesday 4-5, Wednesday 3-4
in LGRT 220.
The course is primarily intended for undergraduates in computer science
and related majors such as mathematics or computer engineering. CMPSCI 187
(programming with data structures) and MATH 132 (Calculus II) are corequisites
and in fact most students in the course have already taken both.
The course will meet for three lecture meetings a week, MWF 1:25-2:15
in Lederle A301 (the low-rise).
There are two discussion sections, one meeting Monday 2:30-3:20 and
and the other Wednesday 11:15-12:05, both in Lederle A203.
These will consist of students solving specific
problems alone or in groups and handing answers in, so that missing these
classes will incur a grade penalty.
There is also an honors section for the course called CMPSCI H11,
a one-credit seminar
intended for undergraduates in Commonwealth College (but open to non-CC
students as well if there is room). In this we will read
Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach and discuss how it relates to the
topic of the main course. The seminar meets Fridays 11:15-12:05 in Room
140, Computer Science Building, starting Friday 4 February.
Important Course Material:
Announcements (19 May 2005):
- (19 May) Ok, I've now calculated grades for the final and for the course.
On the final I stayed with the announced scale of A=110 and C=70. There were
48 people who took the exam:
- 7 A+: 130, 129, 124, 121, 117, 116, 116
- 2 A: 113, 107
- 2 A-: 104, 102
- 5 B+: 97, 96, 95, 94, 94
- 9 B: 93, 92, 90, 90, 90, 90, 89, 88, 88
- 4 B-: 84, 83, 82, 81
- 6 C+: 78, 78, 78, 77, 76, 75
- 5 C: 73, 72, 71, 71, 69
- 5 C-: 65, 65, 65, 63, 62
- 3 F: 40, 39, 36
For overall grades in the course, with a little generous rounding I wound
up giving C or better to all but the three people who failed the final. They
each got D+ or D and should repeat the course before continuing with 311 or
anything else that requires 250. Overall distribution was:
- 4 A+ (reported to SPIRE as A)
- 2 A
- 4 A-
- 2 B+
- 11 B
- 8 B-
- 8 C+
- 5 C
- 0 C-
- 2 D+ (neither at all close to a C-)
- 1 D
So I am now willing to email out grades. (Someone suggested putting them
on the yahoo group with student-id's, unfortunately I'm not willing to bet your
grades on the privacy of the group.) Give me an email to reply to and I will
do so. If it's not in the next half-hour or so it will be later tonight.
- (17 May) I've just posted the final exam
and its solution. I have not finished grading
the finals yet. Sometime tomorrow or (more likely) Thursday, I will announce
that I have final grades available. You may email me for your grade at that
time, and pick up your final from me if you can find me in my office. (I
expect to be around through this week.)
- (13 May) Graded HW#7's are available in the CMPSCI main office,
which is open until 5:00 pm today. I've also emptied my backpack of
other graded work, like the last few discussions (but not Discussion #11,
which I have yet to grade). I'll bring the whole box of stuff, along with
the midterms that weren't picked up, to the exam tomorrow.
- (12 May) HW#8 solutions are avialable at Nadia's site. Graded
HW#7's may be ready in the main office tomorrow -- I will let you
- (10 May) A student has pointed out that Problem 9.8.5 makes no sense, since the
construction of the chapter is to make a λ-NFA and I only gave you a class
definition for a DFA. So the question is withdrawn, and full credit for HW#8 is only
90 points. (The eventual scale will be adjusted accordingly.) Sorry for the mistake,
and that I didn't catch it earlier.
- (6 May) I've posted the first question and answer for HW#8,
which deals with the correction to Figure 10.3 on page 10-6 that we found in lecture
- (6 May) I was asked in lecture today about the final exam. It will be similar to the
practice and real final from last fall. About half of
it will cover the last quarter of the course (since Midterm #3) and the rest will cover
the first three quarters of the course. If I can think of good questions to deal with
last-quarter and earlier topics simultaneously, I will use them.
- (4 May) I have posted solutions for last week's
Discussion #10 and this week's Discussion #11.
- (4 May) Graded HW#6's were returned in lecture today. Scale was A=85,
- (2 May) I have just posted the HW#8 assignment.
It is due a week from Wednesday, 11 May, either in class or to the CMPSCI
main office by 4:00 p.m. (it's difficult for the staff if people are rushing
to hand in homework just as they're trying to close up shop).
- (1 May) I've just answered two more HW#7 questions
on the q&a page. Sorry these are so late, but the department
web server had some kind of problem this morning and I couldn't change the web pages.
The last student question revealed that I did not ask what I intended to in Problem
9.3.5 -- I meant you to prove
"∀u:∀w:∃v: uv≡Lw" rather than what I
said. If you prove the easier statement I asked it will be fine -- see the answer to the
question that I posted. Or you could answer the question I meant to ask, if you have
- (28 Apr) I got some good questions on HW#7 in my office hours today --
answers are posted on the Q&A pages.
- (25 Apr) Here are more detailed results on the third midterm. There were 49
exams, distributed as follows:
- A+ (95-105): 5, top was 105, second was 99
- A (90-94): 9
- A- (85-89): 7
- B+ (80-84): 3 (including the median, a 79)
- B (75-79): 4
- B- (70-74): 2
- C+ (65-69): 7
- C (60-64): 2
- C- (55-59): 6
- D+ (50-54): 1
- D (45-49): 1
- F (0-44): 2 (26 and 30)
- (24 Apr) OK, the HW#7 assignment is now posted.
- (24 Apr) I've posted the third midterm and
its solution.
I'll post complete stats tomorrow after
I've graded one more exam, but in general people did pretty well. The median so far
is 77, a B. There are 21 of 48 A- or better, and only four D+ or below. The scale is
A=92, C=62. I made two mistakes in drawing up the exam. The first, which was noticed,
was that in 3 (b) it is possible to get 20 in Blackjack by an ace and a nine as well as
by two tens or face cards. The second, which I caught only when adding the scores, is
that there are only 95 ordinary points plus ten extra credit, because Question 4 is 20
points though it says 25 on the front page. (One student got a perfect
105, the next highest was 99.)
- (24 Apr) The HW7 assignment will be posted shortly. It will be due a week from
tomorrow, so I will try to keep it short.
- (20 Apr) Remember that tomorrow is a Monday schedule. I will hold
my Monday office hours 10-12, and will have an optional review session
for the exam during class time, 1:25-2:15 in LGRC 301. The exam is 6-8
p.m. in the same room in Goessman.
- (17 Apr) I've posted two questions and answers on HW#6,
though one is a typo in the book (not in a Problem) and the other is actually an
unrelated problem. I hope that people have started on the homework -- if you email
me questions I can post the answers...
- (17 Apr) I've decided that Thursday's lecture will be a review session for the
exam. On Wednesday I will cover parts of sections 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, leaving
out the one-step distance matrices and Floyd's algorithm (hence all of 8.3.3). For
the test you should be ready for a problem like Question 5 on
last term's real exam.
- (15 Apr) Nadia noticed that the Risk problem, 7.6.3 in this term's
brown book
and thus assigned for HW#6, was Problem 7.6.2 in last term's book.
So if you have the yellow book, make sure you're doing the right problem...
- (13 Apr) I have posted the Discussion #9 solution, from
earlier this week.
- (13 Apr) The campus-wide protests planned for 21 April may affect the schedule
for this course. I don't plan to move the exam that evening, but we may replace the
lecture with an optional review session in the same time and place. No student
will be penalized in any way for participating in the protests.
- (11 Apr) I have posted the HW#6 assignment, due Wed
20 April.
- (11 Apr) Note the abnormalities in the schedule next week. Mon 18 April is
a holiday, and Thu 21 April has a Monday schedule. There is no discussion that
week, but two lectures and our third midterm. The timing clearly limits how much
material from the last two lectures (20 and 21 April) will be covered on the test.
- (10 Apr) I have answered another question on the
question and answer page for HW#5.
- (6 Apr) The scale for the second midterm was A=93, B=75, C=57, D=39, F=21,
with pluses and minuses as appropriate. (So 96+ is A+, 90-95 A, 84-89 A-, and so
forth with six-point intervals.) The fifty scores were as follows:
- 100's: 104, 104, 104, 102, 100
- 90's: 95, 94, 92, 92
- 80's: 89, 87, 86, 86, 84, 81, 80
- 70's: 78, 76, 74, 74, 73, 71, 71, 70
- 60's: 69, 69, 69, 68, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 61, 60, 60
- 50's: 56, 55, 52, 50
- 40's: 46, 45, 43, 41, 41
- 30's: 39, 33, 33
- 20's: 29, 20
So the median was 69, and the mean was 68.
- (6 Apr) The scale for HW#4 (returned in lecture today) was 75=A, 70=A-, 65=B+,
and so forth. (It is lower than usual because the Hasse diagram question was judged
(by me) in retrospect to have been too hard.) The papers not picked up are in an
envelope in the pickup box in the CMPSCI main office.
- (6 Apr) I've posted the first question and answer on
HW#5 and I will add more answers as questions come in. I will try to also
keep up with the Yahoo group but if you want to make sure that I see a question,
email it directly to me.
- (6 Apr) The Discussion #8 solutions are up.
I hope to get caught up on the other web postings tonight.
- (1 Apr) The text and
solutions to the second midterm are now
- (1 Apr) I hope to have the midterms graded over the weekend.
- (1 Apr) I've just adjusted some of the remaining homework deadlines
on the homework assignment index page. In particular,
HW#5 is now up and is and
due a week from Monday (11 Apr), rather
than 8 Apr as it said before.
- (30 Mar) I mistakenly said on the Yahoo group that tomorrow night's
exam is in the new engineering building -- in fact it is in Goessman 20,
the same room as the first exam, from 6-8 p.m. -- the third midterm will be
in Goessman 20 as well.
- (30 Mar) I've sent the fall 2004 exams and solutions, and the discussion
solutions, by email to the yahoo group "umass12818". When the main server is down, as it has been frequently over the past few days,
you can still get to Nadia's homework solutions at:
This site is password protected with username "student" and password
- (30 Mar) Congratulations to the four CMPSCI students who won all
four of the cash prizes in the Math department's prize exam. Second-place
winner Shaohan Hu is in 250 this term, and third-place winner Daniel Arpino
and fourth-place winner Jesse Winn took 250 with me last term.
- (29 Mar) I've written the exam -- the subject matter is similar to the
two practice tests. Two hints: Study the solutions to the recent discussions,
and do not expect any questions about dogs.
- (29 Mar) The web site was flaky again today. Please note that the problem
hasn't affected my email, so you can still communicate with me in that
- (28 Mar) I'm sorry that this site was unavailable over the weekend --
there were "hardware memory problems" on which have now been
fixed (say our tech people). Nadia has written
solutions for HW#4, and they are now available at her site.
In retrospect, problem 4.9.4 was too hard for the assignment, though
you should have a look at the solution. So the scale will probably be 80=A
again, though we will decide this after they are graded.
- (23 Mar) The solution to Discussion #6 is now up.
- (23 Mar) Graded HW#3 papers were returned in class today. The scale was 80=A,
65=B, 50=C, 35=D, 20=F. High was 92, mean 54.
- (22 Mar) I just made some minor corrections in the
HTML version of last fall's second midterm.
Remember that our second midterm is a week from Thursday.
- (22 Mar) Did anyone pick up my copy of the textbook on Monday? It has
my name in pen on the top right of the front cover...
- (22 Mar) I have posted the first three questions and
answers on HW#4.
- (22 Mar) The second half of the textbook is ready at
Collective Copies. It has a
brown cover, includes Chapters 6-10 and answers to the exercises from
those chapters, costs $28.50, and is a little bigger than the first half.
The first lecture out of Chapter 6 will be a week from Friday, right after
the second midterm.
- (22 Mar) A reminder that if you don't pick up your hw and discussion
when I return it in class, you can get it from the 250 pickup box in the
CMPSCI main office. The Discussion #3's are there now -- I had misplaced them
until recently. Exams have to be picked up directly from me.
- (11 Mar) Several people have emailed me about their having to miss
class today (when HW#3 is due) for travel considerations. It's always
fine to hand in hw's before they are due, either under the door of my office
or to my mailbox in the CMPSCI main office. The latter is open 8:30-5:00
on weekdays and Pauline at the front desk can make sure your paper gets to me.
If you do have to miss today's class, read Section 4.7 carefully and feel
free to email me or Nadia with any questions.
- (10 Mar) There is a slight error in Problem 3.1.5 (b) that may cause
some confusion. It should say "for any natural z, z is a
common factor of x and
y if and only if z divides xy and xy/z is a common multiple
of x and y". As written, the statement might appear to say something about
large common multiples that do not fit this pattern. For example, 120 is a
common multiple of 15 and 12, but 15*12/120 is not even a natural and so is
not a common factor.
- (9 Mar) The Discussion #5 solution and the
HW#4 assignment are now up. The latter is due Friday
25 March in class, so you have just over a week of class time to work on it.
- (8 Mar) The deadline for HW#3 has been extended
to Friday, 11 March, in class. The HW#4 assignment will be posted today
and will still be due as originally planned, Friday 25 March (the Friday after
- (3 Mar) Solutions to this week's discussion
are now up. Also I have started a Q&A page for HW#3.
- (2 Mar) Graded HW#2's were handed back in class. The scale will be the same as
for HW#1, with A = 85, B = 70, C = 55, D = 40. Extra credit points are written separately
on the papers, so for example if your paper is marked "85" with a small "(4)" then you earned
4 extra credit points and your score is 89.
- (2 Mar) I will post solutions for Discussion #2 either tonight or tomorrow morning, sorry I
didn't get to it this afternoon.
- (1 Mar) The Google event I mentioned has been scrubbed due to weather,
along with everything else at the University today. I'll be in my office
this afternoon if anyone wants to talk in person or by email.
- (28 Feb) I meant to announce in class today that various people from
Google will be here (CMPSCI 150) tomorrow (Tue) at 4:00 to give a presentation
on what working at Google is like. These include a recent B.S. CMPSCI
graduate of UMass.
- (28 Feb) Ok, the exams are graded and will be handed back in lecture
today. There was good news and bad news. The good news was that only five
people scored below 61 -- since I moved the middle of the "C" range down to
63, this means there were only five grades below C (three D- and two F).
The bad news was problem 4b which no one got completely right although
I gave 14/15 and 13/15 to two people who had the right argument with minor
mistakes. I gave a lot of partial credit on this, up to 9/15 for showing a
good understanding of how the argument should go. The big problem seemed to
be people taking invalid steps and convincing themselves they had something
when they didn't. Knowing what is not valid is particularly important
in more abstract proofs, because it will often lead to the only valid move.
We'll see more of these proofs as the semester goes on -- perhaps having more
content behind them will make them more accessible.
The top score was only 94, with the median (and the mean) a 71.
I moved the scale down
from the A = 93 and C = 69 on the exam instructions, to A = 90 and C = 63.
The detailed breakdown is thus:
A+ (93-100): 1
A (88-92): 5
A- (84-87): 3
B+ (79-83): 8
B (75-78): 4
B- (70-74): 7
C+ (66-69): 10
C (61-65): 8
C- (57-60): 0
D+ (52-56): 0
D (48-51): 0
D- (43-47): 3
F ( 0-42): 2
The five below-passing people should talk to me individually. They should
at least consider dropping, but bear in mind (1) this test is only 15% of the
grade, or possibly only 10% if counting the final as 50% turns out to be to
your advantage, and (2) the way I work things I'm very unlikely to give an F,
as opposed to a D, to someone who sticks through the course the whole way but
just doesn't get it. A D counts for credits and can be repeated for a new
- (25 Feb) I've posted the HW#3 assignment.
It is due a week from Wednesday, although the hw page used to say that
HW#3 was due next Friday. Graded HW#2's will probably be returned this
coming Wednesday.
- (25 Feb) The first exam and its
solution are now available in the
exam directory. I hope to grade the midterms over
the weekend.
- (22 Feb) I've now written up the test, which will be 6-8 p.m. Thursday
in Goessman 20. Here are a few hints:
- The exam will be somewhat shorter than
last year's
- There is very little material from Chapter 3 on the test
- The definitions from sections 2.8-2.11 are very important
- At least one question involves dogs
- (22 Feb) I forgot to mention it, but solutions to hw#2 are available
on Nadia's site. In
general she will have these up shortly after the due date of the assignment.
- (17 Feb) Between office hours and email I have learned of a few more
mistakes in the text, which have been added to the
errata page. One is important for the homework: In problem 2.9.5 on page
2-38, the ``f ° g" in part (c) and the ``g ° h" in part (d) should be
- (16 Feb) The solutions to this week's discussion
are posted. Note that there is no discussion next week, on either Monday
or Wednesday, because of the holiday on Monday.
- (14 Feb) There is another correction to HW#2: Problem 2.9.5 has no part
(e), so it is part (d) that is extra credit.
- (14 Feb) I have fallen almost a full lecture behind as of today. On
Wednesday we will complete sections 2.10 and 2.11, on Friday 3.1, and on
the following Wednesday 3.3, with 3.4 discussed briefly if possible. This
will be reflected on the test, which will be mostly about Chapters 1 and 2
but will touch on 3.1 and 3.3. By the way, you can see the
practice and
real exams from last term, and their
solutions, using the web site for last term.
- (14 Feb) Nadia has set up a
site for homework
solutions and has posted the
HW#1 solutions there. This site is password-protected, with username
"student" and initial password "open250" -- we will change the password later
and announce it in lecture.
- (12 Feb) The solutions to Discussion #2 are posted, and
the graded discussions will be returned in lecture on Monday.
- (10 Feb) There are two corrections on the HW#2
assignment: Problem 2.6.3 is assigned rather than 2.6.2, and there is a
typo in Problem 2.1.6. Thanks to the students who caught these!
- (9 Feb) I thought it might be useful to write down the example from
today's lecture, which is not in the book:
- Premises:
- I: All dogs like walks. (∀x:W(x))
- II: All poodles are smaller than Ebony. (∀x:P(x)→S(x,e))
- III: If one dog is smaller than a second, and the second is smaller
than a third, then the first dog is smaller than the third.
- IV: Ebony is smaller than some Rottweiler. (∃y:R(y)∧S(e,y))
- V: Holly is a poodle. (P(h))
- Proof of: "There exists a Rottweiler that is larger than some poodle who
likes walks" (∃a:∃b:R(a)∧S(b,a)∧P(b)∧W(b))
- P(h) (premise V)
- W(h) (specification, premise I)
- P(h) → S(h,e) (specification, premise II)
- S(h,e) (modus ponens, lines 1 and 3)
- R(r) ∧ S(e,r) (instantiation, premise IV, r is a new variable)
- R(r) (separation)
- S(e,r) (separation, line 5)
- S(h,e) ∧ S(e,r) (conjunction, lines 4 and 7)
- (S(h,e) ∧ S(e,r)) → S(h,r) (specification, premise III)
- S(h,r) (modus ponens, lines 8 and 9)
- R(r) ∧ S(h,r) ∧ P(h) ∧ W(h) (conjunction, lines 6, 10, 1, and
- ∃a:∃b:R(a)∧S(b,a)∧P(b)∧W(b) (existence)
- (8 Feb) The HW#2 assignment is posted, due a week from
Friday. There are now three answered questions on the q&a page
for HW#1.
- (4 Feb) The solution to Discussion #1 is now
up. I will try to grade these over the weekend.
- (2 Feb) The first meeting of the honors section will be this Friday at
11:15. It will not be in LGRT 1114, the assigned room -- I have moved
it to room 140 in the Computer Science Building (first floor, on the Governors
Ave. side).
- (31 Jan) I've gotten the first email question
on HW#1, and I'll add more as I get them.
- (28 Jan) A Yahoo discussion group for this course has been established
- (28 Jan) I have added a page for errors
discovered in the current edition of the textbook. None of the errors
discovered so far have affected the homework -- if (when) future ones do,
they will also be noted on the homework assignment page and probably be
the subject of questions and answers.
- (27 Jan) Nadia and I have set our office hours, M 10-12 and Th 1-3 for
me, Tu 4-5 and We 3-4 for her. Mine are in my office (210 CMPSCI) and hers
are in the TA consulting room, LGRT 220.
- (27 Jan) I've created the homework assignment page
which has the due dates of the eight homeworks and will have links to each
assignment as it is written. The first assignment
is now posted, due Wed 9 February. The earlier you start on it, the more
time there is to ask questions. I'll put any interesting answers I have to
your questions in the question and answer directory.
- (26 Jan) I have asked to have the "permission of instructor" requirement
taken off of CMPSCI H11, so that the eight or so students from today's lecture
may add it on SPIRE without doing an override. This may take a day or two to
take effect, keep trying. The first Honors meeting will be Fri 4 February.
The assignment for that meeting is to get the book Hofstadter's Godel,
Escher, Bach and if possible read Chapter 1.
- (25 Jan) As promised, we now have the locations, Lederle A301 for
lecture and Lederle A203 for discussions.
- (25 Jan) The location of the class meetings is still undisclosed but
the Registrar's Office is promising to tell us by 5:00 pm today. Remember
that there is no discussion meeting tomorrow, 26 January, just the
lecture meeting at 1:25 pm.
- (25 Jan) The textbook for the first half of the course is now
available at Collective
Copies, at 71 S. Pleasant Street in downtown Amherst. Ask for course
packet #56. It costs $25.50 --
there will be another volume for the second half of the course, for about
the same price, available in the next week or two. Note that I am making no
money on this -- the price covers only the copying cost.
- (24 Jan) The textbook will once again be a draft of my book, A
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science. We will use the third
draft, which will be available soon (watch this space) at Collective Copies
in downtown Amherst. The third draft is fairly similar to the second but
will have solutions to all the Exercises (though not to the Problems on the
homework) and will correct a number of errors. If you have the second draft
(in four volumes) you may be able to get by if you refer to someone else for
the details of the homework.
There are three other books you may also want to consider buying.
Rosen's Discrete Mathematics and its Applications is a commonly used
textbook for this course and covers most of our material -- you may find it
useful as an alternate presentation of some topics. But Rosen is not in
any way a required text for this course -- one student got the contrary
impression from the Follett web site! Hofstadter's Godel,
Escher, Bach is the primary text for the honors section and is the sort
of book every computer scientist ought to read -- it will enhance your
understanding of the course material and vice versa. Finally, Solow's
How to Read and Do Proofs is an explication of the mathematical method
at a somewhat lower level that ours, and may be useful if you are currently
very uncomfortable with the concept of proof.
- (24 Jan)
I've just put up the premilinary web page. The only real information
available so far is the course requirements and syllabus. The course will
run very similarly to last fall's version, so you
might find that web site useful.
Last modified 19 May 2005