CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
David Mix Barrington
Fall, 2010
Homework Assignment #3
Posted Thursday 14 October 2010
Due on paper in class, Thursday 28 October 2010
There are eleven questions for 100 total points plus 10 extra credit.
Most are from
the textbook,
Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science. Note that the book has
both Exercises and Problems -- make sure you are doing a Problem and not the
Exercise with the same number. The number in parentheses following each problem
is its individual point value.
Students are responsible for understanding and following
the academic honesty
policies indicated on this page.
- Problem 3.1.1 (10)
- Problem 3.1.2 (10)
- Problem 3.3.1 (10)
- Problem 3.4.x (5) "The number 5! + 1 = 121 is not prime. Why
does this not contradict the argument of Section 3.4?"
- Problem 3.5.2, part b only (15) Instead of computing the day of the
week for your own birthday, do it for mine which was 17 June 1959.
Of course it's easy to find the answer, but the point is to explain
how to get the answer from the given facts. (We're on to the trick
explained here.)
- Problem 3.6.5 parts a and b (5)
- Problem 3.6.5 parts c and d (10XC)
- Problem 4.1.5 (15)
- Problem 4.3.1 (15)
- Problem 4.4.1 (10)
- Problem 4.4.5 (5)
Last modified 23 October 2010