CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
David Mix Barrington and Hava Siegelmann
Fall, 2010
Errata in the Textbook
This is a list of errors discovered in Dave's draft textbook
Discrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science,
Chapters 1-5, 9, 14, and 15, as printed for CMPSCI 250 this term.
Volume I: Chapters 1-4 and Solutions
- Page 1-49, Problem 1.7.6: Replace the last sentence with
"Why didn't our substitution lead to a valid tautology?"
- Page 1-50, footnote 24: "see Chapter 15"
- Page 2-45: Section 2.11 is missing! I will print up copies of
it to be handed on in lecture on 23 September. Pages 2-45 and 2-46 in
the printed version should be renumbered 2-50 and 2-51.
- Page 2-47: (in handout) at end of last full paragraph, "transitivity"
- Page 3-9: In the display equation, should be "17256" not "17526"
with correpsonding changes in the sums.
- Page 3-11: Add period after item 4 of list.
- Page 3-33: Problem 3.6.5 (c), "Prove that any nonzero Gaussian
- Page 3-35 (not used this term), end of text: "in Chapter 15"
- Page 3-51, footnote: "a field that is the subject of Chapter 13 of this
- Page 3-52 (not used this term), footnote 65: "in Chapter 15"
- Page 4-8, Problem 4.1.5: "write a pseudo-Java method"
- Page 4-12, Writing Exercise prompt: "following four questions"
- Page 4-22, Problem 4.4.5: This should be rewritten to make it clearer
that there is conceivably more than one Elvis. "Containing Elvis" throughout
should be "containing an Elvis", and on line 2 of the proof it should say
"all are Elvises".
- Page 4-35: In E4.7.2, E4.7.4, P4.7.3 (b), and P4.7.4 (a), replace
"Java-syntax" by "pseudo-Java". In Problem 4.7.3, "The pseudo-Java function..."
- Page 4-37, last paragraph: "as pseudo-Java functions.."
- Page 4-49 (not used this term): line 1, "pseudo-Java methods"
- Page 4-52 (not used this term): Problems 4.10.1 and 4.10.2, "pseudo-Java code", "pseudo-Java methods"
- Page 16-7, Figure 16-2: The region for P ∩
(Q ∪ R)
should be shaded.
- Page 16-22, Exercise 3.1.3: delete extra right paren
Volume II: Chapters 5, 9, 14, 15 and solutions
- Page 5-3, footnote: "In Chapter 14"
- Page 5-4, last line: "Chapter 14:"
- Page 5-5, footnote 8: "in Chapter 14"
- Page 5-6, middle of page and in footnote: "Chapter 14"
- Page 5-9, Problem 5.2.2: "if w is any string of..."
- Page 5-14, second paragraph: "a recursively defined set"
- Page 5-15, Problem 5.4.2: Replace entire problem with this --
"Prove that if S and T are any regular
expressions over a one-letter alphabet, e.g., Σ = {a}, and if n is
any natural, then the languages (ST)n and SnTn
are equal. (Hint: Use ordinary induction on n and the result of Exercise
5.4.5.) Give examples of two regular expressions S and T, again with
Σ = {a}, such that the languages (ST)* and
S*T* are not equal."
- Page 5-21, next to past paragraph: "in Chapter 14"
- Page 5-22, Problem 5.5.2: "in Chapter 14"
- Page 5-23, Problem 5.5.5: "⊂" should be "⊆"
- Page 9-2, first bullet: "∀x: P(x,x)"
- Page 9-8, code: last character of the first constructor should be "}"
and not "]", end of class needs another "}"
- Page 9-14: Problem 9.3.1: type of method should be "integer"
- Page 9-14, Problem 9.3.2: "of Exercise 9.3.2"
- Page 9-22, Problem 9.4.5: "the number of Rubik's Cube positions",
change the sum to "1 + 18 + 18(15) + 18(152 + ... +
18(15)k-1", "at least 16 moves"
- Page 9-32, Problem 9.6.3: "between nodes at the same level in its
BFS tree"
- Page 9-38, Problem 9.8.3: third and fourth bullets, "to (i, j+1)" and
"to (i, j-1)" respectively. Change the weight function so that each north-south
edge has weight 1 and each east-west edge has weight 3.
- Page 9-41, Problem 9.9.1: "of Problem 9.8.3", "s = (1,1) and t = (3,3)",
and "with h(i,j) as the pedestrian distance from (i,j) to (3,3), where
edges may be traversed either forward or backward"
- Page 9-47, Problem 9.10.1: Near end of paragraph, "can then also move"
In part (a), add "Make an overestimate, as finding
the exact number of positions that could actually occur in a game would
require a search of the whole game tree."
- Page 14-11, footnote 6: "in Chapter 15"
- Page 14-41, Problem 14.7.1: "such that λ ∉ L(M)"
- Page 14-49, Figure 14-37: Diagram is missing the transition (r,a,f)
Last modified 14 January 2011