CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
David Mix Barrington
Fall, 2010
This is the home page for CMPSCI 250.
CMPSCI 250 is the undergraduate core course in
discrete mathematics and will deal with logic, elementary number theory,
proof by induction, recursion on trees, search algorithms,
finite state machines, and a bit of computability.
Instructor Contact Info:
David Mix Barrington, 210 CMPSCI
building, 545-4329, office Monday 11-12, Thursday 2-3:30.
I generally answer my email fairly
TA Contact Info: Ed
Mazur (mostly section 01), office hours Friday 2-3:30, LGRT 220.
Brattin (mostly section 02), office hours Wednesday 2:30-4:00, LGRT 220.
The course is primarily intended for undergraduates in computer science
and related majors such as mathematics or computer engineering. CMPSCI 187
(programming with data structures) and MATH 132 (Calculus II) are corequisites
and in fact most students in the course have already taken both.
The course meets for two lecture meetings a week, Tuesday and
Thursday 9:30-10:45. Both sections will now meet in
Goessmann Lab Addition 151, with Dave lecturing.
There is one discussion meeting per week, Tuesday 2:30-3:20.
Section 01
section meets again in
Goessmann Addition 151, and Section 02 meets in room
LGRT 113.
Discussion attendance is required,
so that missing a discussion
will incur a grade penalty.
The textbook is several chapters of Dave's draft version of
Discrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science. Photocopies
of this are available, for $48 (two volumes), at
Collective Copies in downtown
Amherst. (Dave gets none of this money -- it is the
copying cost only.) Note that the printed volume is
missing section 2.11 through Dave's error -- printed copies of these
five pages are available in class.
There is also an honors section for the course called CMPSCI H250,
a one-credit seminar (run by Dave)
intended for undergraduates in Commonwealth College (but open to non-CC
students as well if there is room). In this we are reading
Hofstadter's Godel, Escher, Bach and discuss how it relates to the
topics of the main course. The seminar meets on Thursdays 4-5 p.m. in
room 243 of the Computer Science Building.
Announcements (22 December 2010):
- (22 Dec) I have now posted solutions to the final exam. The final
exam scores were 126, 120, 119, 117, 113, 111, 108, 108, 107, 107,
107, 107, 106, 106, 103, 103, 96, 94, 93, 93, 93, 92, 88, 88, 88,
87, 85, 84, 84, 83, 82, 80, 79, 77, 77, 77, 76, 75, 75, 73, 72, 70,
68, 63, 62, 61, 59, 52, 49, 49, 48, 46, 42, 40, 39, 38, 36, 34. I
can give back corrected finals in person when you get back. Thanks
to all of you for an enjoyable course.
- (21 Dec) I have now emailed everyone their grades and posted
the final exam text. The solutions
and some more statistics will follow tomorrow.
- (20 Dec) I have completed grading the exam and have posted grades to
SPIRE. I'm not sure when they become visible to you, so I will email
you individual grades by
tomorrow morning early Tuesday afternoon. Sometime tomorrow I will post
the exam and its solution, along with some statistics.
Briefly, the exam scale was A = 102, B = 84, C = 66, D = 48, F = 30. Of
the 57 of you who took it, the high was 126 and there were fifteen in the A
range. The median was an 84 -- for just over half of you it was better to count
the final as 50%. The low was 34 and there were fourteen exams below the C
range. Overall for the course there were 12 A's (six of them unofficial A+),
four A-'s, four B+'s, six B's, ten B-'s, five C+'s, four C's, eight C-'s, two
D+'s, and three D's. The C-'s should repeat the course before taking another
course that has 250 as a prerequisite, though a C- can be used for major or
minor requirements as long as the total GPA in courses used for the major or
minor is above 2.0.
- (9 Dec) As promised, here is an outline of the sort of things
I hope you will be able to do on the final exam:
- First Third of Course, Chapters 1, 2, 3 (25%):
- Translate statements to and from propositional logic.
- Prove statements of propositional logic using truth tables
and/or propositional proof rules.
- Translate statements to and from predicate logic.
- Prove statements of predicate logic using the four
proof rules.
- Know and work with the definitions of types of relations
(partial orders and equivalence relations) and properties of
functions (one-to-one, onto, bijections).
- Be familiar with primality and modular arithmetic.
- Know the statements (not proofs) of the Inverse Theorem,
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, and Chinese Remainder Theorem.
- Middle Third of Course, Chapters 4 and 9 (25%):
- Prove statements about naturals by ordinary induction.
- Prove statements about naturals by strong induction.
- Prove statements about other data types (strings, trees,
etc.) by induction on the definition of the type.
- Work with a completely new inductive definition.
- Prove correctness and termination of a recursive algorithm
by induction.
- Write a recursive algorithm to operate on an object of an
inductively defined class, such as the boolean expressions of
Discussion #7.
- Describe the behavior of general search, depth-first
search, breadth-first search, uniform-cost search, or
A* search on an example.
- Make simple arguments about a two-player game using a game tree.
- Last Third of Course, Chapters 5, 14, and 15 (50%):
- Work with formal languages defined by regular expressions.
- Prove a property of regular expressions by induction on
the definition.
- Determine the behavior of a DFA on a string or set of
- Use the Myhill-Nerode Theorem to argue about whether a
given language has a DFA, or how many states its minimal DFA
- Find the minimal DFA equivalent to a given DFA.
- Understand the language of a given ordinary NFA or
- Convert a λ-NFA to an equivalent ordinary NFA.
- Convert an ordinary NFA to an equivalent DFA.
- Convert a regular expression to an equivalent
- Convert a DFA to an equivalent regular expression, by
working through r.e.-NFA's (called "GNFA's" in lecture).
- Argue about the class of regular languages using the
equivalent definitions and various conversion algorithms.
- Understand, informally, the behavior of a two-way DFA.
- Understand, informally, the behavior of a Turing machine.
- Informally describe how a Turing machine might solve a
given computational problem.
- Know the definition of Turing Recognizable and Turing
decidable languages.
- Understand the argument for the unsolvability of the
Halting Problem.
- (9 Dec) As promised, here is a review of the exams from my
offerings of CMPSCI 250, available on my web pages. As the content
of 250 has changed, not all questions on these exams would be fair
game, but the length and difficulty of my final exams is pretty
consistent. Solutions to each of these exams are available from
the linked pages:
- Fall 2007: Question 1a is ok
but 1b and 1c deal with probability and would not be. 3a uses
Floyd's algorithm which we didn't cover, but 3b and 3c are the
only questions on any of these exams dealing with Chapter 9.
Question 4 is all counting and probability and thus no good for
this term.
- Spring 2006: Questions 2a and
2b deal with counting and probability. 2c and 2d are fair
examples of what I might ask about Chapter 15. 4c and 4d also
deal with counting and probability.
- Spring 2005: Question 1 is
counting and probability, but the rest of the exam would do for
this term.
- Fall 2004: This term there
was both a practice final and a real final. The practice final
is ok except for Question 5. The real final is ok except for
Question 3.
- (8 Dec) I will hold a review session for the final exam on
Tuesday 14 December from noon to 2:00 p.m. in room 151 of the computer
science building. Some of you will have an exam for either the first
or last half-hour of this period, but you could make it for some of the time.
- (8 Dec) There are now eleven HW#6 questions answered on the
Q and A page, including a correction to a typo in
Problem 14.7.1.
- (1 Dec) I have posted the first questions
answers on HW#6, which includes a pseudo-Java class
that you will need to answer Problem 14.8.5.
- (1 Dec) Remember that if you work with another student or
students on the homework, you should note this fact on what you turn in.
- (28 Nov) I have posted the last homework
assignment, which is due by 4:00 p.m. on Friday 10 December, the
day of classes. There are two extra credit questions, if you want
to read ahead -- they are on the last material we will be doing.
- (16 Nov) I have posted the second
midterm and its solution. There
is a slight correction to Problem 9.8.3 on the homework, which I am
putting on the new question and answer page for HW#5.
- (14 Nov) I have posted the next homework
assignment, due a week from Tuesday in discussion class. The last
will be due on the last day of classes, Friday 10 December, at 4:00
p.m. to the CMPSCI main office. I did intend to post this
earlier, but I've been tied up with grading and with three shows
weekend. I do still expected to have graded midterms available on
Tuesday morning.
- (14 Nov) A note on course advising for the spring. Many of
will want to take CMPSCI 311 next term, as it follows directly on
we are doing in this course and it is required for all tracks of the
BS-CMPSCI. I've talked to some of you for whom it would make sense
to take both 240 and 311 next term, but unfortunately this cannot be
done due to a schedule conflict. Given the choice, you should
take 311 unless you are particularly interested in courses that have
240 as a prereq, like 370, 383, or 446. If you are likely to
get an A in 250 and you are interested in the formal language stuff
we are doing in the remainder of the course, I can give you an
override to take CMPSCI 401 with me next term along with 311.
311 is a prerequisite for 401, which is why I am only offering this
to A students.)
- (14 Nov) There is a Distinguished Lecture
next Thursday in the honors meeting period, so we will all go to the
lecture instead of having class. The following Thursday is a
holiday. So we need to start thinking about final projects for each
of you (half-hour presentations to the rest of the class) without
class time to do it in. So please email me your ideas for a
related to either 250 or something in GEB.
- (9 Nov) We will have an honors class tomorrow
(Wednesday) at the usual time because it is a Thursday schedule.
- (9 Nov) A couple of more notes on the schedule -- I will try
to grade the exams by Tuesday (16 Nov) and will post the exam and
solution then. The TA's will also try to have HW#4 graded by then.
I will post HW#5 soon, probably tomorrow, and it will be due on
Tuesday 23 November. HW#6 will then be due at the last possible
moment, 4:00 p.m. on the last day of classes, Friday 10 December.
I expect a number of you will blow off class tomorrow morning -- if
you do, you should have a good look at sections 5.1 and 5.2 so you
will be ready for lecture and discussion next Tuesday.
- (9 Nov) I handed out paper solutions to HW#4 and Discussion #7 in
lecture today. I will bring more to the help session, which will be held
in Goessmann 151 during discussion period. Note that tomorrow (Wednesday)
is a Thursday schedule, so we will have lecture in the morning (on new material
from Chapter 5) and I will have office hours in the afternoon. I will be
around for advising on Thursday afternoon, but there is no class Thursday.
- (8 Nov) As I said by email, I have corrected an error in the
HW#4 assignment. I have also posted a few more
questions and answers on HW#4. I will be answering
email tonight.
- (7 Nov) I've posted some more questions
answers on HW#4.
- (5 Nov) As I mentioned in class today, I am performing (as
of the tenor chorus) in the Valley Light
production of Iolanthe
by Gilbert and Sullivan, this weekend and next. Tonight (Friday) is
a paid dress rehearsal with all tickets $5 -- the other shows are
this Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, and next Friday night,
night, and Sunday afternoon -- see
for details.
- (5 Nov) This afternoon at 3:30 the department will hold its
November First Friday event in room 150 of the computer science
This will be devoted to advising for Spring 2011 course choices, and
may get their registration advisor holds removed. Refreshments will
be served.
- (5 Nov) Next week's honors assignment is
to read Chapter XI of GEB and the dialogue following.
- (3 Nov) I have posted the first questions
answers on HW#4.
- (3 Nov) I've corrected two typos on the HW#4
assignment sheet.
- (2 Nov) Problem 9.4.5 on HW#4 contains errors which I have corrected
on the HW#4 assignment page.
- (2 Nov) Here is the xkcd cartoon
I referenced in today's lecture.
- (2 Nov) Here is some information about the second midterm, which will
be next Tuesday 7-9 p.m. in Goessmann 20. It will cover the middle third of
the course, specifically Lectures L10 through L17 on the
revised syllabus. This means about 25% on sections
3.1-3.6, though not the implementation of the Euclidean Algorithm,
inverse algorithm, or Chinese Remainder Theorem. You should know the statements
of the major results of 3.1-3.6. About 3/8 will be specifically on Chapter
4 (though note that 4.5, 4.6, and 4.10 are not covered) and 3/8 on 9.1-9.8.
(Thus next Tuesday's lecture is not fair game for the exam.) Remember that we
have a single review session with me in Goessmann 151 in place of a discussion
next Tuesday 2:30-3:20.
I'm not writing a specific practice exam for this midterm because there are
plenty of suitable questions on the second, practice third, and third midterms
from Fall 2007 CMPSCI 250 exam page. Each of
these questions is appropriate for length (assuming I picked out 100 points
worth) and difficulty, but a few of them are on content you are not responsible
for -- Question 3 on the second midterm (too much number theory), Question 3
on the practice midterm (the path-matrix theorem, now covered in 240), and
Questions 5 (path-matrix theorem) and 6(b) (A* search) on the third
- (27 Oct) I have posted the HW#4 assignment, due
the morning of the exam, Tuesday 9 November. Note that starting with tomorrow
morning's lecture we are dealing with Volume II of the text, with
the darker and less yellowish green cover. We are also now back on track with
the syllabus printed in the books, but as you can see from the
updated syllabus, we have skipped section 4.6,
covered Chapter 3 more lightly, and done different Excursions.
- I forgot to post the honors assignment for the
next class, which is now tomorrow. You should read Chapter IX, thus finishing
Part I of GEB, and work on the exercises of Excursion 3.7 of my book,
on the "power of 10" exercise from Chapter VIII of GEB.
- (23 Oct) As I announced in class on Thursday, I am extending
the deadline for HW#3 -- it is now due this
Thursday, 28 October, in lecture. I will post the HW#4 assignment
by Tuesday 26 October, and it will be due in lecture class on
Tuesday 9 November.
- (20 Oct) I've posted the first question
answer on HW#3.
- (20 Oct) The first midterm and
its solution are now up.
- (19 Oct) I've just finished the grading for the midterm, so I
will not get to posting the exam and its solution before class -- I
may be able to do it tonight. The 61 exams were fairly evenly
distributed across the grade ranges:
- A+ (93-102) 6 (high was 102)
- A (88-92) 6
- A- (83-87) 5
- B+ (78-82) 6
- B (73-78) 5
- B- (68-72) 5 (median was 70)
- C+ (63-68) 4
- C (58-62) 6
- C- (53-57) 5
- D+ (48-52) 3
- D (43-47) 5
- F (31-42) 5 (low was 31)
The D's and F's should probably talk to me about their status.
It is still possible to drop the course if you have 12 other
credits for the term to maintain full-time status, but the "W-drop
date" is this Thursday. It is possible for even the F's on this
midterm to get C or better if they do well on the homework, second
midterm, and final, but an F on this test indicates that you have
weaknesses in your understanding that may make it hard to do that.
- (14 Oct) The reading assignment for next
week's honors class is to read Chapter 7 of GEB, Typographical
Number Theory, and the following dialogue, A Mu Offering.
You should also hand in answers to the exercises on pages
212-3 and 215, except for the "b is a power of 10" statement which
he rightly says is hard. This exercise is the subject of Excursion
3.7 in my book, but try to do the exercises before looking there.
- (14 Oct) I have posted the HW#3
which is due 26 October, a week from Tuesday. HW#4 will be due in
lecture class on Tuesday 9 October, the day of the second midterm.
- (12 Oct) I hope to have the exams graded by Tuesday -- I
will post the exam and solution sometime over the weekend. Graded HW#2
may or may not be ready tomorrow morning -- if not, it should be
ready by Tuesday. I will post HW#3 soon, due a week from Tuesday --
about half of it will be on the number theory material from last
Thursday and tomorrow. Note that we are only doing certain sections
of Chapters 3 and 4, and since there are 3-4 sections of the book
covered only in tomorrow's lecture, those sections will be less
emphasized on the next exam. (There is great stuff in the number
theory section that we can't get to this term, particularly if you
are interested in cryptography -- you might want to read the other
sections of the book when you have more leisure to do so.) The
updated syllabus will tell you which
sections you are responsible for.
- (12 Oct) Ed needs to cancel his office hours Friday, which
should be ok because there is no pending exam or homework.
- (11 Oct) I've put up the exam index page which
has the dates, times, and locations of all three exams. The first midterm
will be Wednesday night 13 October, 7-9 p.m., in Goessmann 20, a large chemistry
lecture hall at the other end of Goessmann from our classroom. I've heard from
one student about a conflict -- anyone else with a conflict should have
contacted me alredy but if not I will see what I can do.
- (11 Oct) Since tomorrow is a Monday schedule, I will hold my normal
Monday office hours from 11 to 12 in my office.
- (10 Oct) As I announced in class on Thursday, I will hold a
review session for the exam on Monday (the Columbus Day holiday)
2-4 p.m. in LGRT 101. (I haven't reserved the room, but if there is
a problem with it we will find a nearby room and I will post a
sign.) Note that if you are driving to campus, you should be aware
that Governors Drive (the road from LGRC past the computer science
building to the Mullins) is scheduled to be closed all weekend.
- (10 Oct) The honors assignment for next
week is to read Chapter 7 of GEB (The Propositional Calculus, which
overlaps heavily with Chapter 1 of the main text) and the following
dialogue, Crab Canon.
- (6 Oct) Here are links to the first midterm exams of the last
four times I have taught CMPSCI 250. Really they are all pretty
good approximations of what our first midterm is going to be --
there will be translations, a propositional proof, a predicate
proof, and questions requiring you to understand properties of
functions, partial orders, and equivalence relations. There might
be a small amount of number theory, based on tomorrow morning's
lecture, but it will primarily be a way to get you to work with
quantifiers if I put it on at all. Now my problem is to come up
with good questions I haven't asked on any of these exams. Oh, one
more hint -- one or more of the logic questions will probably
involve dogs.
- (5 Oct) I have posted six questions and
on HW#2 and will add to this page as I get more questions by
email or in office hours.
- (5 Oct) I will hold an optional review session for the test
on Monday 11 October (the Columbus Day holiday), location TBA, time
TBA but likely 2-4 p.m. or so. More details later.
- (5 Oct) As I said in email, I will hold extra office hours
tomorrow (Wednesday) 10:30-12:00. These will be in my office, room
210 in the computer science building.
- (5 Oct) Graded HW#1's were handed back in lecture today -- I
bring the unclaimed ones to lecture on Thursday. The high was 75,
49, and low 25 -- I set a (rather generous) scale at A = 70, B = 56,
C = 42, D = 28. (All these numbers are raw scores, out of 80.) If
you got below 40, you should figure out what you want to do to do
better on HW#2 and the exam -- the TA's and I will help however we can.
- (1 Oct) I have revised the syllabus to
remove one lecture on number theory and the one on proving the basic facts of
number theory. These topics are important but the rest of the course does not
depend on them as much -- I hope you find the book useful as a reference if they
come up in future courses. (For example, number theory is used in
cryptography, and the rest of Chapter 3 goes into this although we won't do it
this semester. I also changed two discussion topics to better fit with where
we will be when those discussions occur. The changes mean that the first
midterms, from the other times I have taught CMPSCI 250, are pretty good matches
for this term's first midterm and can be used as practice tests. I'll give
direct links and some more detailed comments on these exams next week.
- (1 Oct) The honors section assignment is to read
V and VI of GEB and the dialogues following each. Also, be prepared to discuss
the problem on page 137, where he defines two functions M(n) and F(n) by
mutual recursion.
- (24 Sept) Henceforth I will be the sole
instructor for this course. Both sections will now meet in
Goessmann 151 for lecture 9:30-10:45, starting Tuesday. The two
sections will still meet separately for discussions 2:30-3:20 in
their current rooms, doing the group problem-solving exercises from
the book, with John leading section 02.
My understanding from John is that
section 02 has covered the material of my Chapter 1 pretty well but
has not done much on Chapter 2 yet. So in order to synchronize the
sections, the two lectures this coming week will reprise sections
2.6, 2.8, and 2.9, and will thus be optional for section 01. (I
will thus accept HW#1 in discussion class Tuesday as well as in
The discussion on Tuesday will be on Excursion 2.7 as planned, and
will still be due on Thursday 7 October in lecture. I will need to
revise the syllabus to remove two lectures, and will do this soon.
Let me take this opportunity to thank Hava publicly for her work
on the course.
- (23 Sept) I've learned that Hava tried to notify the department this
morning in time for us to do something about the class, but was
unsuccessful. We will have something figured out for Tuesday's
if she is not available.
- (23 Sept) The HW#2 assignment is now
posted, due two weeks from this morning, on 7 October.
- (23 Sept) The reading assignment for next
week's honors class is Chapter 4 and the dialogue Little Harmonic
Labyrinth. We discussed Fibonacci numbers, and left with the
to explain why the following Java method is a correct but
unwise way to
the n'th Fibonacci number:
public int fib (int n) {if (n <= 1)
return n; return fib (n-1) + fib (n-2);}
- (22 Sept) Important news about HW#1 --
we are extending the deadline to hand it in until next Tuesday, 28
September. But, if you are able to hand it in tomorrow you
should do so, because HW#2 will be posted tomorrow night and will be
due on Thursday 7 October (the last class before the first midterm).
- (22 Sept) I've gotten some questions about the content of
the midterms, given that the two lecture sections have not been
exactly the same material. Hava and I will jointly write the exam,
consideration for the different content and possibly different
We will try to get a sample exam to you a week before the real one,
we will be clear what content is covered.
- (21 Sept) One more note about the textbook -- each chapter has an
index at the end, which contains every word or phrase defined in boldface in
the main text, with the page number where that happens. So if you want to
know what "set builder notation" means, for example, the index of Chapter 1
tells you to look on page 1.4.
- (21 Sept) Here is an embarassing error in the textbook -- Section
2.11 is missing! I will print up copies of it to be handed out on Thursday --
we are scheduled to talk about it on next Tuesday, 28 September.
- (21 Sept) A few minor additions: Ed, Hava, and John's office hours (above),
and some small errata in the textbook, and the "dog
example" from Dave's lecture today:
- Premises:
- I: All dogs like walks. (∀x:W(x))
- II: All poodles are smaller than Ebony. (∀x:P(x)→S(x,e))
- III: If one dog is smaller than a second, and the second is smaller
than a third, then the first dog is smaller than the third.
- IV: Ebony is smaller than some Rottweiler. (∃y:R(y)∧S(e,y))
- V: Holly is a poodle. (P(h))
- Proof of: "There exists a Rottweiler that is larger than some poodle who
likes walks" (∃a:∃b:R(a)∧S(b,a)∧P(b)∧W(b))
- P(h) (premise V)
- W(h) (specification, premise I)
- P(h) → S(h,e) (specification, premise II)
- S(h,e) (modus ponens, lines 1 and 3)
- R(r) ∧ S(e,r) (instantiation, premise IV, r is a new variable)
- R(r) (separation)
- S(e,r) (separation, line 5)
- S(h,e) ∧ S(e,r) (conjunction, lines 4 and 7)
- (S(h,e) ∧ S(e,r)) → S(h,r) (specification, premise III)
- S(h,r) (modus ponens, lines 8 and 9)
- R(r) ∧ S(h,r) ∧ P(h) ∧ W(h) (conjunction, lines 6, 10, 1, and
- ∃a:∃b:R(a)∧S(b,a)∧P(b)∧W(b) (existence)
- (19 Sept) I have posted the first questions
and answers on HW#1.
- (16 Sept) Honors section assignment for next
week: Read chapters 2 and 3 of GEB and the dialogues following. Try to solve
the two questions I posed about the MU-puzzle: (1) Can every "class 1 or 2"
string be derived from MI, and (2) Can any "class 1 or 2" string be derived from
any other such string?
- (14 Sept) Both sections looked at Excursion 1.9 of the book in
discussion today, so you should all now have an idea of how comfortable you
are with the idea of proofs in boolean logic. If you are uncomfortable,
one good resource is a small book called How To Read and Do Proofs by
Daniel Solow, which illustrates proof techniques in greater detail than our
textbook, using examples from high-school mathematics.
- (14 Sept) Thanks to the student in Dave's section who pointed out that
the SPIRE page for CMPSCI 250-1 had a bad link for the syllabus -- this has
been fixed for section 1 and will shortly be fixed for section 2.
- (13 Sept) HW #1 is now posted -- it has nine questions, all
Chapter 1, and is due on Thursday 23 September in class. It is
a little smaller than future homeworks. Remember that our first
discussion is tomorrow so that we will meet twice, once at 9:30 and
at 2:30.
- (9 Sept) Dave will have only limited email over this weekend and
will miss his regular 11-12 office hour on Monday 14 September. We will
have the HW#1 assignment ready by next lecture class on Tuesday 14 September.
- (9 Sept) (Announcements of primary interest to the
honors section will be in orange.) The honors section met for the first time today -- if you
were not there, you should contact me very soon if you want to join.
Its meeting time is 4-5 Thursday in room 243 of the Computer Science building.
The assignment for students in that section for next Thursday is to (1) buy
the book, (2) read up the beginning of Chapter 2, and (3) work on the MU-puzzle
without looking at Section 5.6 of the 250 textbook.
- (9 Sept) The Computer Science First Friday meeting is tomorrow (Friday)
at 3:30 in room 150-1 of the Computer Science building. All majors, minors,
potential majors, and friends of the department are invited.
- (6 Sept) Tomorrow, Tuesday 7 September, both sections will
lecture at 9:30. At 2:30 Hava will have discussion class. Dave
will not, but he will be in Goessmann 151 for an optional open
- (3 Sept) The Course Requirements and
Grading page is now ready. Also note that the discussion room for Hava's
section has changed.
- (2 Sept) The syllabus is now available --
I hope to put up the course requirements and grading tomorrow. The texts
should be ready on Tuesday.
- (23 Aug) We have reorganized the course to have two instructors! This
will be the common web site for both sections. Lectures will be coordinated
and exams and homework assignments will be common. The 56 students registered
for the single section were arbitrarily divided into two groups of 28. As of
today Hava's section is full at 30 and Dave's has six more spots with 29. If
you want to add the course but cannot do so on SPIRE, please contact Dave.
- (4 Aug) Welcome to the preliminary version of the web site for CMPSCI
250 for Fall 2010. I am setting up the bare bones of the web site today.
In most respects the course will run like the Fall
2007 version of CMPSCI 250. One difference is in the syllabus -- the
fourth quarter of the course will deal with finite-state machines
rather than counting and probability, which are now covered in
CMPSCI 240. The text will be largely the same as was used in Spring 2006 and
Fall 2007, except to account for the changes in syllabus.
The new texts are not available yet -- I will post here when they are ready.
Last modified 22 December 2010