CMPSCI 250: Introduction to Computation
Third Midterm Exam
David Mix Barrington
20 November 2007
The scale was A = 90, C = 54.
Q1: 10 points
Q2: 15 points
Q3: 20 points
Q4: 15 points
Q5: 15 points
Q6: 25 points
Total: 100 points
- Question 1 (10): Recall that a simple path in a
directed graph is one that never visits any node more than once. Prove that
for any natural n, any simple path with n edges visits exactly n+1 nodes.
(Hint: Use ordinary induction.)
- Question 2 (15):
Recall that a rooted directed tree is defined to be either (1) a single node
which is both a leaf and the root, or (2) a root node with edges to the roots
of each of one or more subtrees. Describe (in English or pseudo-Java) a
recursive algorithm that takes a node of a rooted directed tree as
inpt and returns the number of leaves in the subtree under that node. You may
use any reasonable syntax for looking at all the children of a node: one way
to do it is to assum that ou have methods
node firstChild()
node nextChild()
, and boolean isAnotherChild()
in the
Questions 3 and 4 deal with a particular kind of rooted directed trees
called foo-trees. They are defined recursively:
- (i) A single leaf is a foo-tree.
- (ii) If the root of a tree has one or more children, the tree is a
foo-tree if and only if the last subtree is a foo-tree and all the other
subtrees consist of single leaves.
- (iii) These are the only foo-trees, so that if a predicate P(v) is true
whenever v is a leaf, and true whenever v is the root of a tree as described in
(ii) with P(w) true for v's last child w, then P(v) is true whenever v is the
root of a foo-tree.
Here is an example of a foo-tree with eight nodes:
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
(b) (c) (d)
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
(e) (f) (g)
- Question 3 (20):
Prove by induction on all foo-trees T that the breadth-first search of T
and the depth-first search of T visit the nodes of T in exactly the same order.
(You should assume that the children of each node of T come in an order that
is specified as part of the definition of T.)
- Question 4 (15):
Prove that if the breadth-first search of T and the depth-first search of T
visit the nodes of T in exactly the same order, then T must be a foo-tree.
(Hint: Any non-foo tree must have a node where condition (ii) fails to be
true. Thus the non-foo-trees can be defined recursively as well -- a tree is
non-foo if and only if the root (a) has a child that is not a leaf and is not
last, or (b) has a last child that is the root of a non-foo tree. Using this
definition, you can prove by induction on non-foo-trees that each of them has
nodes that are visited in a different order by the BFS and DFS.)
Questions 5 and 6 deal with the following labeled undirected graph G. The
node set is {a,b,c,d} and there are four edges: (a,c) with weight 4, (a,d) with
weight 1, (b,c) with weight 1, and (b,d) with weight 1.
- Question 5 (15):
Write down the single-step distance matrix A for this graph G. Use min-plus
matrix multiplication (Floyd's Algorithm) to compute the shortest-path distance
matrix for G. (Hint: Because G is undirected, the matrix A and all of its
powers are symmetric -- the (i,j) entry is always equal to the (j,i)
entry. You can use this fact to simplify your calculation.)
- Question 6 (25):
- (a,15) Describe in detail the results of a uniform-cost search of G
starting from node a. Draw the resulting search tree and indicate the
shortest paths from a to each other node.
- (b,10) Carry out a breadth-first search of G from vertex c, ignoring the
weights of edges. Let h(v), for each node v, be the level of v in the tree
of this BFS. Indicate how this function h could be used in an A*
search to find the shortest path from a to c. (It's important that the weight
of each edge is at least 1.)
Last modified 26 November 2007